Monarch Life Cycle poster
Monarch Migration Poster
Together We Can Help Monarchs
Monarchs on a mission
“Monarchs on a Mission” aims to educate Nebraskans about monarchs and milkweed by inviting them to use our lesson plans and other materials.

Monarchs across North America are disappearing. Pesticide and herbicide use, deforestation of their wintering grounds in Mexico and loss of milkweed in the United States are three important reasons for their decline.
The Nebraska Game and Parks Commission is dedicated to conserving all pollinator species – including monarchs. To advance monarch conservation, we need more quality land management, more in depth research and more education for all residents.
Utilize our lesson plans and other materials and be a part of the solution to this conservation challenge.
Funding for this project provided by the Nebraska Environmental Trust as part of the Nebraska Natural Legacy Project.
Who should participate
Anyone working with students: Teachers, afterschool programs, church groups, Scouts, and nature centers.
How it works
Educators are invited to download the lesson plans and other materials, and incorporate them into your classroom.
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