- Fishing permits (all)
- Hunting permits (all)
- Lifetime and combo permits
- Senior and veteran permits
- Super Tag combo/Lottery permits
- Habitat, waterfowl and federal duck stamps
Permit Help
Find answers to your frequently asked questions about purchasing a hunt, fish or state park permit through our online permit site.
Please review the following resources and frequently asked questions for navigating the Nebraska Game and Parks permit website GoOutdoorsNE.com. If you need further assistance, please call our customer support team at 888-531-1198 from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. CT, Monday through Friday or Saturday and Sunday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. CT. The team can assist with permit purchases or technical support. For the best user experience, we recommend using Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge or Firefox browsers when navigating the permit website.
Instructional videos
Watch our instructional videos on the permit site for help guiding you through the process of logging into your account, purchasing permits, applying for draw permits, customizing your account and more.
Frequently asked questions
Anyone who has not purchased a permit (park entry and lifetime permits not included) since 2016 may need to create a profile.
Permits and products that require a profile include:
- Electronic Federal duck stamp
- Nonresident AIS boat stamp
- HIP registration
- Draw applications
- Preference points
- Hard cards
Permits and products that do NOT require a profile include:
- Park entry permits
- Nebraskaland Magazine subscriptions
- Donations
- Select Recreational User.
- Select the Look Up Account button.
- Select the ID Type you’d like to use to search for your account (date of birth and SSN are recommended).
- Fill out the requested information.
- Click Submit.
- Note: If you cannot find your account, call or email for assistance.
- Select Recreational User.
- Select Create Account.
- Enter the system user details. *Note: If you do not have a SSN or US address, select Not a Citizen.
- Enter a unique email address (children under 16 do not require an email address).
- Enter a username and password, and confirm the password.
- If you do not turkey hunt, select Paper Tagging. Turkey hunters have the option of choosing E-Tagging or Paper Tagging.
- When all information has been entered, click Create.
You can purchase permits in person at any of our vendor locations. Big Game permits may be purchased at any Commission office.
To use the online permitting system, a unique email address is required. If you share an email address with your spouse for a permit account, you will need to create a new email address for each individual account. Persons under the age of 16 do not require an email address on their account, but an email address is needed for password reset. Without an email address on the account, they will need to call our office for password reset.
An email address can only be used once in the system. Email addresses are used to recover forgotten passwords and usernames and therefore need to be unique.
Users purchasing products and permits that require a profile must log in to the system using their username and password. Usernames are not case sensitive, but passwords are. Upon successful login, your personal home page will display.
To log in to the permit system:
- Visit the NGPC Permitting System website.
- Click Recreational User.
- Click Account Login.
- Enter your Username and Password.
- Click Login.
If you are having trouble logging in, the system will show an error message. Use the Forgot Password or Forgot Username links if you have already created an account. After three failed login attempts, users will be locked out. If you are locked out, call 888-531-1198 for assistance.
Hunting requirements
A list of the permits, stamps and hunter education requirements is available on our hunting permits & stamp requirements page for anyone who wishes to hunt in Nebraska.
Fishing requirements
The Nebraska fishing permit is required for anyone age 16 or older to take, or attempt to take, sportfish, bullfrogs, snapping turtles, barred salamanders or mussels, from any water body in Nebraska.
- Select Recreational User.
- Log in to or look up your account.
- Select Hunter Education and Certifications.
Hunter Ed
Nebraska Hunter Education numbers are automatically added to your account and cannot be added manually. If your Hunter Education numbers are not on your profile, it is most likely because more than one profile has been created. In that instance, please call 888-531-1198.
Boater Ed
Currently, Boater Education numbers issued in Nebraska cannot be added.
If information is missing or you need to change your address, residency or identifying characteristics, log in to your existing profile, click Your Profile and Edit to make necessary changes .
You cannot edit your name, date of birth or last 4 of your social security number. If there is an error on any of these fields, please call 888-531-1198.
My name has changed. How do I change my name on my profile?
Please mail or email a copy of a marriage certificate, divorce decree or other legal document, showing your full name before and after it has been changed.
Email to: ngpc.permitsystem@nebraska.gov or Mail to: NGPC, Attn: Permits, PO Box 30370, Lincoln NE 68503
When sending, please include a note stating that you want your name changed from _______to ________. Include your date of birth so we can access your profile.
How do I change my current email address that I use to log in?
If you would like to change your current email address, select “Your Profile” on the left side of the your account’s home screen. Select edit “Account Information” and change your saved email address.
- Select Recreational User.
- Log in to your account.
- Select Your Profile.
- Located at the top of the list is Residency Verification.
- Select Edit.
- Answer the residency questions and save.
You will be issued a NGPC ID in the permit system. It is a unique number used to identify your account.
To locate your number, login to your profile. The number is in the upper left corner of the permit site under your name. You also can find it on all printed permits purchased after 2022.
This number will be needed to add “Friends and Family” to your profile or add family members to your Landowner profile in the system.
Paper tagging applies to all big game permits. A printed copy of the permit is to be carried with the hunter. See the Big Game Guide for more information.
E-tagging only applies to turkey permits (hunters have the option of using paper tagging or e-tagging). Turkey permits can be purchased and displayed on the mobile app; they cannot be printed. If turkey hunters choose the e-tagging option, they must cancel their tag and report harvests through the mobile app. Find more e-tagging information and instructions here under FAQs.
At age 69, residents can purchase a $5 Senior permit which includes: small game hunt, fish, fur harvest, aquatic, habitat and waterfowl stamps. It is to be renewed annually. Big game permits are to be purchased separately.
A hard card is a collectible credit card sized card that contains permits, stamps and Hunter Education numbers (excluding turkey and big game permits) that you have at the time of purchase. They can be purchased each year and the card designs will change.
What do I do if I haven’t received my card or the information on the card is incorrect?
Contact us at (888) 531-1198.
You can set up small game hunt, fish, fur harvest, annual habitat and waterfowl stamps to automatically renew every year on a date you choose.
- Select Recreational User.
- Log into your account.
- Select Auto-Renew.
- Select the Payment Methods button and enter credit card information. We accept Visa, Mastercard and Discover.
- Move the slider to green next to each permit to be auto-renewed.
- Select the date to auto renew.
You will receive an email a couple of weeks before your permit is to be auto-renewed. At that time, log in to your account and verify that your payment information is current.
Permits are not emailed, but a receipt is. Permits are to be printed at the end of the transaction, select Print Documents.
Park permits
Lost park entry permits are not replaceable.
Hunting & fishing permits
You can get a copy of your permit online by logging into the permit system and selecting Active Privileges. Click the print button and select the permit you wish to print.
Small Game, fish, fur harvest & e-tagging turkey permits
You can access any of these permit types through our Mobile Permits app.
If you sell or trade your vehicle, or if your windshield needs replaced, remove all or more than half of the permit and take to one of our Commission offices or park locations for a free replacement.
The following requirements must be met to qualify as a Nebraska resident:
- Any individual who has lived in Nebraska continuously for 30 days before applying for a permit who intends to become a Nebraska resident. They must be prepared to provide documentation of residency (driver’s license, voter registration card, etc.) to an officer when in possession of a resident permit.
- Residents in school in another state or stationed outside Nebraska as part of a military assignment that have maintained Nebraska as their state of legal residency.
- Active-duty military personnel and full-time students stationed or attending school in Nebraska for a period of at least 30 days.
Yes; to view how many big game permits are available for purchase, click on “Recreational Users” on the permit site homepage, then click the “View Remaining Big Game Permits” button. Select the year you are interested in viewing. Species that will show here include: Turkey, deer, elk, antelope and bighorn sheep.
Youth permits
- Resident youth ages 15 and under do not need a fishing permit.
- Nonresident youth ages 15 and under, when accompanied by a licensed fishing permit holder, do not require a fishing permit.
- Youth resident and nonresident permits for deer and turkey are required and all cost just $8.
- A hunter must be at least 10 years of age to hunt with a deer permit and 12 years of age to hunt with antelope, elk or bighorn sheep permits. All deer, elk and antelope permits must be printed and carried while hunting.
- All resident and nonresident youth between ages 12 and 15 must have proof of completion of Hunter Education while hunting any game with a firearm or air gun or Bowhunter Education while hunting deer antelope, elk, or bighorn sheep with bow or crossbow. Out of state Hunter Education and Bowhunter Education certificates are accepted.
Resident youth
- Hunting permits are NOT required for youth residents for: dove, snipe, rail, woodcock, upland game birds, other small game, furbearers, coyotes, crow, prairie dogs, porcupine, woodchuck and Tier I Waterfowl permits.
Nonresident youth
- Nonresident youth, regardless of age, must have a valid hunting permit for all game species and habitat stamp. A nonresident small game youth hunt permit is available for just $18.
- Youth nonresident permits for deer and turkey are required and cost just $8.
NOTE: If a child has completed Hunter Education, an account was automatically created for them. Therefore, they DO NOT need to create an account. Please see the FAQ below for steps to look up their account.
A permit account is required for children (15 and under) when accessing the following permits and certificates:
- Nonresident Small Game
- Lifetime permits
- Turkey permits
- Deer permits
- Antelope permits
- Elk permits
- Tier II Waterfowl permits (HIP registration required)
- Hunter Education/Bowhunter Education Certificates
If the child has completed Hunter Education, a permit account was automatically created for them after they completed any Hunter Education or Bowhunter Education courses. Please follow the steps below to look-up the account:
- On a computer, tablet or mobile phone, go to www.gooutdoorsne.com/login.
- Click the Recreational User button.
- Click on Lookup Account.
- Select an ID Type from the drop-down menu (Last four of SSN recommended) and click Submit.
- Enter the information requested for the selected ID Type and click Submit.
- If an account does not populate with a username and password after you click Submit, try a different ID type, or call our help line at 888-531-1198.
If the child has not completed Hunter Education, please see the next FAQ for instructions.
- Select Recreational User.
- Select Create Account. NOTE: If a child has completed Hunter Education, they DO NOT need to create an account (see FAQ above).
- Enter the child’s system user details, including the last four digits of their SSN (required).
- Enter a username and password (guardians and youth should remember to save this username and password for future reference).
- If the child is NOT a turkey hunter, select Paper Tagging. If the child is purchasing a Youth Turkey permit and you would like to select the e-tagging option, select E-Tagging.
- When all information has been entered, click Create.
Once a child’s account has been created, you can add them to your Friends & Family within your permit account. This gives you the option to purchase permits, stamps and more for anyone in your Friends & Family now and in the future. To do this, you will need to enter their NGPC ID number, which can be found by logging into the child’s account.
Purchasing & printing permits
No, use the Guest Checkout feature.
We accept Visa, Discover and MasterCard debit and credit cards. Please call 888-531-1198 if you are experiencing problems with your purchase.
If the temporary permit and receipt are not displayed after the transaction, please call Game and Parks to verify and confirm the sale.
If you have an email address in your account but did not receive an email confirming your online purchase, please contact Game and Parks.
What do I do if my credit card is declined?
If you experience issues with your credit card getting declined, check to see if all of your input information is correct and then try again.
If you get the message saying your card is expired and it is not, check your system’s clock and adjust it if it is not correct. If the situation is due to network traffic problem, try again at a later time. Otherwise, report the problem to your credit card issuer.
You may have clicked on the Submit Payment Information button more than once. The extra charge generally goes away after a couple of days and may show on your account as pending. If it has been more than five days, please call our office.
The system only shows you permits that meet your residency and age requirements set in your profile. To view the price of all available permits, including resident and non-resident ones, click “Or View Available Products” on the home screen, then choose Resident or Non-Resident to view all permits and their prices.
Daily Park entry permits, and temporary annual and duplicate park entry permits are to be printed at the end of the transaction.
Annual and duplicate park entry permits will be mailed to you. If you haven’t received your annual park entry permits within 20 days of purchase, please call our office.
Printing required
Big Game Permits that must be printed and carried on your person while hunting include:
- deer permits
- elk permits
- antelope permits
Other required physical permits include:
- daily park permits
- temporary permits
- stamps
Printing NOT required
These permits can be printed or accessed on our mobile permits system:
- fishing permits
- small game permits
- furbearer permits
- turkey permits (must be cancelled online after a turkey is harvested)
Screenshot photographs of fishing, small game and furbearer mobile permits, or displaying them via the mobile permit site, are both acceptable when Law Enforcement asks for them. Screenshots are not permitted for turkey permits.
Printer troubleshooting tips
To print your PDF permit at its proper size, use Adobe Reader and alter printer settings as needed to print it correctly.
If you cannot print or get a blank page:
- Open the PDF
- Select Print
- Verify the correct printer is selected
- Select Advanced
- Select Print as Image
- Print the permit
For oversized or undersized printing:
- Open the PDF
- Select Print
- Verify the correct printer is selected
- Check Fit or custom size to resize the image
- Print the permit
Yes; you can buy one by adding them to your “Friends and Family” list using their NGPC ID number. For instructions, watch the “Adding Friends & Family” video above.
How do I find someone else’s NGPC ID number?
Request the NGPC ID number from the person you’d like to add. They can find their ID number by logging into their account or by looking on their already-issued permit.
If I bought a permit for someone else and need to print it, where do I find it?
To print immediately, select Print Documents after the transaction. If you do not print at the time of the transaction, the person you purchased the permit for will need to log in to their account to print. You can also call or visit one of our commission offices or parks during office hours and we can print for you.
Does the system automatically mail the permit to the recipient?
A receipt is emailed directly after purchase. Annual and Duplicate Park Entry permits, along with nonresident AIS boat stamps and physical Federal duck stamps, bought online will be mailed to the person you are purchasing for or to yourself. The address can be added at the time of purchase. Hunt, Fish and Big Game permits can be mailed; email us at NGPC.permitsystem@nebraska.gov or call 888-531-1198.
Log in to your account to print a copy of your permit. If you purchased for another person, their account must be accessed to print.
Daily park entry permits, temporary annual and duplicate park entry permits and temporary AIS stamps must be printed at time of purchase. Please call our office during business hours for assistance if you did not print.
Commercial Hobbyist FAQs
The following FAQs apply to those seeking information about Captive Wildlife or Taxidermy permits and applications.
- Select Commercial Hobbyist.
- Create or look up your account.
- Select Captive Wildlife Application and complete.
- You will then be contacted by a conservation officer to schedule an inspection of your pens.
- Select Commercial Hobbyist.
- Log in to your account.
- Select Renew.
- Follow screen prompts.
- Upon approval, your permit will be mailed to you.
On your permit in the upper right corner and under your name when you log in to your account.

Mobile permits & e-tagging
Have questions about Nebraska’s available mobile permits or how to e-tag your turkey? Find answers to your questions on our mobile permits page.

Hunter Education
Nebraska’s hunter education program helps develop safe, ethical and responsible hunters. Find requirements, courses, FAQs and more on our Hunter Education page.
Nebraska permits
Nebraska offers a variety of permits for every type of customer. Find your best fit through our resources below.
Contact us
Reach our permit division staff directly using the phone number or email at right.
Hunting permits
Purchase hunting, big game and turkey permits, as well as supertags and combo lotteries.
Fishing Permits
Purchase stamps, resident and non-resident fishing permits here.