- Arbor Lodge SHP
- Ash Hollow SHP
- Calamus SRA
- Chadron State Park
- Eugene T. Mahoney State Park
- Fort Atkinson SHP
- Fort Kearny SHP/SRA
- Fort Robinson State Park
- Indian Cave State Park
- Johnson Lake SRA
- Lake Ogallala (pick up at Lake McConaughy SRA)
Your Parks Adventure
Explore trails. Find Kit. Win prizes!
That’s a wrap for the 2024 Your Parks Adventure: Trail Trek! Thanks to each and every participant; we enjoyed seeing your hiking adventures. Stay tuned for prize updates on our Facebook page!

2024 Trail Trek
More than 850 individuals and families explored Nebraska’s trails this summer and fall as part of Your Parks Adventure: Trail Trek, a free program offered by the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission and the Nebraska Recreation and Parks Association.
The program, new in 2024, encouraged people to explore 48 designated trail sites across Nebraska, where they snapped selfies with a Trail Trek sign. Trails included Nebraska Game and Parks areas, as well as participating city, county, federal and Natural Resource District areas. From May to October, participants made over 5,100 visits to these trails.
Prize winners
The grand prize winners – Mary Dooley of Norfolk and Marge Gray of Omaha – will enjoy a two-night cabin stay at a Nebraska state park, a 2025 Nebraska park entry permit, an annual subscription to Nebraskaland Magazine, a backyard birding package and more.
- Anne Herman, Omaha: Biking package
- Cheryl Gerkins, Lincoln: Camp cooking package
- David Miller, Beaver Crossing: Fishing package
- Jessica McGinley, Valentine: Hiking package
- Ida Van Scyoc, Shenandoah, Iowa: Hiking package
- Barbara Schaefer, Pierce: Birding package
- Christina Valenzuela, Orleans: Camping games package
- Martin Versaw, Lincoln: Camping games package
- Richard Hanigan, Lincoln: Camping games package
Go Pro
- Rebecca Miller, Beaver Crossing
- John Grebl, Papillion
- Doug Hubbard, Omaha
- Deb Watchorn, Lincoln
$250 gift card
- Mary Mohler, Superior
- Tiffany Schank, Scottsbluff
- Maddie Coe, Crete
- Brigitte Schreck, Papillion
$100 gift card
- Rebecca Clark, Lincoln
- Betty Mann, Berwyn
- Karen Rueschhoff, Lincoln
- Deb Blank, Hadar
$50 gift card
- Tracy Vrba, Columbus
- Diane Hofer, Seward
- Charlotte Waters, Colorado Springs, CO
- Lori Landis, Waverly
Hiking stick
- Betty Lou Lang
- James Andrysik
- Kim Kanellis
- Rachel Miller
- Wendi Nelson
- Charlie Wood
- Linda Sparks
- Sheri Adams
2025 Annual Park Permit
- Dennis Zabel
- Melissa Canterberry
- Douglas Abele
- Melissa Kirkpatrick
- Karen Griffin Sieber
- Beth Singleton
- Rick Erdei
- Justin Broughton
- Crystal Schank
- Tammy Hubl
- Lora Sypal
- Anne Gibbs
- Gwen Mohler
- Kendra Sullivan
- Jim Frohman
- Tisha Thacker
- Joe Warner
- Randy Douglas
1-year Nebraskaland Magazine Subscription
- Daniel Schreck
- Lori Gothier
- Kate Stephens
- Susan Whited
- Valerie Beraun
- Becky McHenry
- Anastasia Davis
- Mathew Ellison
- Lynn McCollough
- Krista Deal
- Tyler Mainquist
- Jim Prokopec
- Sarah Jones
- Tammy Stuhr
- Catherine Nixon
- Kathy Trudell
- Christy Hofer
- Shawnee Armstrong
Nebraskaland Calendar
- Marie Wardyn
- Debbie Aden
- Denise Mainquist
- Karla Pineda Gutierrez
- Spencer Green
- Sheri Pfeil
- Paul Cox
- Michael Eberspacher
- Shaina McIntosh
- Krista Testin
- Paulette Kuhlman
- Robert Grebl
- Nicole Boon
- Steve Fosbender
- Sue Holliday
- Michelle Pretty
- Jericho Johnson
- Jerry Brittain

How it works
Visit one of more than 45 designated trail locations during the contest. Once you find the Trail Trek sign, snap a selfie with Kit, scan the QR code and submit your picture to our online entry form.
The more trails you visit, the more chances you have to win. Participate on your own or with a group. Once you’ve entered your first trail submission, you will be entered for a chance to win prizes generously provided by our sponsors, including outdoor gear, a two-night cabin stay and much more!
Explore trail locations
Kit the Raccoon can be found at each of these trail locations, typically within a mile of the trailheads. Trails included in the program are located at Nebraska Game and Parks areas, as well as participating city, county, federal, and Natural Resource District areas.
Explore the map for locations near you. The icons on the map indicate suggested starting points for locating selfie signs. Find additional details about each trail location in the drop-down section below the map.
Harlan County Reservoir
Trail: Pheasant Ridge Trail
Starting point: Park north of the fish cleaning station in Methodist Cove Campground. Walk west across the street to the beginning of the walking trail. Proceed on the paved walking trail and the sign is located by the first bench on the left.
Total trail length: 3 miles
Surface type: concrete
Accessibility status: ADA accessible
Amenities: benches and trash receptacles
Entrance fee: free entry
Eugene T. Mahoney State Park
Trail: Concrete Trail Center Loop
Starting point: From the Peter Kiewit Lodge parking lot, head west onto the concrete trail. Once you cross the road, the selfie station will be nearby (look towards the slides)!
Total trail length: 2.5 miles
Surface type: concrete
Accessibility status: The trail is not designated as ADA accessible, but is wide and paved.
Amenities: Multiple restrooms, Peter Kiewit Lodge, Carl’s restaurant (located at the lodge), James Family Conservatory and Nature Center, playground and bike repair station
Entrance fee: A 2024 Nebraska state park vehicle permit is required for entry.
Chimney Rock National Historic Site
Trail: Walk to the Rock
Starting point: Main parking lot from County Road 98 at the trailhead and patio.
Total trail length: 2.3 miles
Surface type: crushed rock
Accessibility status: ADA accessible
Amenities: patio with two benches (no restrooms or water at this site; restrooms are located at the Abbott Visitor Center)
Entrance fee: free entry
Papio Missouri NRD – Prairie View Recreation Area
Trail: Prairie View Trail
Starting point: Right off the parking lot is a small “”island”” where the sign will be located and the trail starts.
Surface type: lime-chip
Accessibility status: ADA accessible
Amenities: restrooms
Entrance fee: free entry
Calamus SRA
Trail: Campground Loop Trail
Starting point: The recommended starting point is near the Homestead Knolls fish cleaning station. There is parking on grass available near this area.
Total trail length: 1.5 miles
Surface type: mowed grass trail
Accessibility status: not ADA accessible
Amenities: picnic tables, a selfie station and restrooms
Entrance fee: A 2024 Nebraska state park vehicle permit is required for entry.
Central Park
Trail: Dark Island Trail
Starting point: The trailhead located on L Rd off HWY 14 is the best location to reach the sign.
Total trail length: 8 miles
Surface type: crushed rock
Accessibility status: not ADA accessible
Amenities: restrooms, water and playground (located at Central Park); benches along the trail, trash receptacles
Entrance fee: free entry
Chadron State Park
Trail: Cabin Trail
Starting point: The nearest entry point is at the ball field parking lot by the restrooms. The trail is west of the road intersection by the parking lot.
Total trail length: 2 miles
Surface type: mowed grass path
Accessibility status: The trail is not ADA accessible and is not a smooth surface.
Amenities: restrooms, water hydrant and trash receptacles
Entrance fee: A 2024 Nebraska state park vehicle permit is required for entry.
Fort Robinson State Park
Trail: White River Trail
Starting point: The trailhead is located on the east end of the Fort Robinson State Park building complex.
Total trail length: ~ 3 miles
Surface type: crushed rock
Accessibility status: not ADA accessible
Amenities: Two shelters with benches are located on the trail. Restrooms, water hydrants/fountains, playground and trash receptacles are within 1/2 mile of the trailhead.
Entrance fee: A 2024 Nebraska state park vehicle permit is required for entry.
Lewis and Clark SRA
Trail: South Shore Trail
Starting point: There is only one trailhead for the South Shore Trail. Nearest parking spots are at the trailhead.
Total trail length: 4.5 miles
Surface type: dirt path and mowed grass
Accessibility status: not ADA accessible
Amenities: benches, vault toilets, water hydrant and trash receptacles
Entrance fee: A 2024 Nebraska state park vehicle permit is required for entry.
Johnson Lake SRA
Trail: Roper Trail
Starting point: North of Johnson Lake SRA main campground (Johnson Lake Dr. 28). Parking is located at the trailhead.
Total trail length: 1 mile through the park; 10 miles around the lake
Surface type: concrete
Accessibility status: ADA accessible
Amenities: dog waste stations, trash receptacles, free little library, water hydrant, benches, restrooms and playgrounds located a short distance from the trail
Entrance fee: A 2024 Nebraska state park vehicle permit is required for entry.
Rock Creek Station State Historical Park
Trail: Legacy Loop Trail
Starting point: The Visitor Center and its parking area are the recommended starting point for the Legacy Loop Trail. Park users may begin their trail adventure at the Visitor Center and walk south to the Historic West Ranch site (direct route), or they may begin at the information board at the head of the trail just west of the Visitor Center parking lot.
Total trail length: .6 miles
Surface type: mowed grass/dirt path
Accessibility status: not ADA accessible
Amenities: Full restroom facilities are located at the trailhead (inside of the Visitor Center), with vault toilets, picnic tables and benches located at the sign site near the Historic West Ranch.
Entrance fee: A 2024 Nebraska state park vehicle permit is required for entry.
Fort Atkinson State Historical Park
Trail: Visitor’s Center Interpretive Trail
Starting point: Visitor’s Center
Total trail length: 3/4 mile
Surface type: mix of paved, crushed rock and turf
Accessibility status: part of this trail is ADA accessible
Amenities: restrooms and benches
Entrance fee: A 2024 Nebraska state park vehicle permit is required for entry.
Wildcat Hills SRA
Trail: Monument View Trail
Starting point: Visitors can access the trailhead from the main parking lot at the north end of East Park Loop Road.
Total trail length: .44 miles each way (.88 total)
Surface type: crushed rock & dirt
Accessibility status: not ADA accessible
Amenities: There are 2 picnic tables under a large Ponderosa pine at the trailhead. Vault restrooms are located at a large shelter nearby.
Entrance fee: A 2024 Nebraska state park vehicle permit is required for entry.
Scottsbluff National Monument
Trail: Monument Valley Pathway (south)
Starting point: The west end of U Street in Gering is the ideal starting point for the Gering Monument Valley Pathway and the U Street Pathway. The trailhead is right next to small parking lot on U street. Hikers can chose to go north and enjoy the Monument Valley Pathway and see closeup views of Scotts Bluff National Monument or go east and walk the U street pathway towards downtown Gering.
Total trail lengths: Monument Valley Pathway is ~.75 mile, U Street Pathway is ~1.25
Surface type: concrete
Accessibility status: ADA accessible
Amenities: Both trails have benches, dog waste stations and trash receptacles. U Street Pathway has a dog park right next to the pathway. There is a water station for humans and dogs on U Street Pathway and portable restrooms.
Entrance fee: free entry
Suck’s Lake Park
Trail: John Brownell Trail
Starting point: The trail is located at Sucks Lake Park. From the starting point, head west to find Kit.
Total trail length: 4 miles
Surface type: concrete
Accessibility status: ADA accessible
Amenities: playground, picnic shelter, restrooms, trash receptacles
Entrance fee: free entry
Nebraska State Fair
Find Kit the Raccoon and submit your selfie during the Nebraska State Fair! Visit Nebraska Game and Parks in the Nebraska Building any time during the fair, Aug. 23 – Sept. 2. Kit is still located outside the Nebraska Building at Fonner Park, and selfies will be accepted through Oct. 31.
Schramm Park SRA
Trail: Schramm Park River Trail
Starting point: parking lot on the south side of HWY 31
Total trail length: 1/2 mile
Surface type: dirt path
Accessibility status: not ADA accessible
Amenities: Schramm Education Center is located nearby; restrooms and water are available near the trail
Entrance fee: A 2024 Nebraska state park vehicle permit is required for entry.
Nebraska National Forest at Halsey
Trail: Discovery Loup
Starting point: The Bessey Recreation Complex is located south of NE Hwy 2, near Halsey, Nebraska.
Total trail length: 3/4 mile
Surface type: concrete
Accessibility status: This trail is not officially ADA accessible, but is a smooth, concrete trail.
Amenities: Public shower house/restrooms open seasonally; Visitor Center with public restrooms open M-F from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.; picnic tables, a picnic shelter and trash receptacles located near the trail.
Entrance fee: free entry
Fort Kearny SRA
Trail: Hike & Bike Trail
Starting point: The Hike – Bike trailhead is located on the east side of the recreation area.
Surface type: concrete
Accessibility status: ADA accessible
Amenities: benches, restroom and trash receptacles
Entrance fee: A 2024 Nebraska state park vehicle permit is required for entry.
City of Kearney
Trail: Archway Trail
Starting point: Parking is available in the Archway Parking lot and trail users can access the hike-bike trail over the historic bridge.
Total trail length: This segment is 2+ miles; total of 13 trail miles
Surface type: concrete
Accessibility status: ADA accessible
Amenities: Picnic Shelter, water fountain, trash receptacles, benches, restrooms at trailhead
Entrance fee: free entry
Ash Hollow State Historical Park
Trail: River Overlook Trail
Starting point: Park at the pull-off parking lot located along the driveway to the visitors center. The trailhead is located nearby.
Total trail length: 1 mile
Surface type: mowed path
Accessibility status: not ADA accessible
Amenities: The trail is 1/4 mile from the Visitors Center, which has trash receptacles, picnic tables, modern restrooms and a water fountain.
Entrance fee: A 2024 Nebraska state park vehicle permit is required for entry.
Pawnee SRA
Trail: Pawnee Lake Multi-Use Trail
Starting point: The trailhead is next to campsite 16 in the Lakeview Campground. Please park at the nearby restroom building and avoid walking through any campsites.
Surface type: natural dirt surface
Accessibility status: not ADA accessible
Amenities: restrooms and trash receptacles
Entrance fee: A 2024 Nebraska state park vehicle permit is required for entry.
City of Lincoln
NOTE: The Mopac Trail sign is currently absent, in the process of being repaired. Please check back for updates.
Trail: Mopac Trail
Starting point: MoPac Trailhead at 84th Street approximately 0.25 miles south of O Street. On the east side of O Street.
Total trail length: 6.25 within the City of Lincoln, 22 miles beyond the City of Lincoln (MoPac East)
Surface type: crushed limestone
Accessibility status: ADA accessible
Amenities: restrooms, benches, water fountains, trash receptacles
Entrance fee: free entry
City of Lincoln
Trail: Billy Wolff Trail
Starting point: Rickman’s Run/Holmes Lake Dog Park Parking Lot: from the parking lot, head east and south along the Billy Wolff Trail south of Baseball Diamond. Alternate shorter access along sidewalk approximately 300 feet west of S 76th and Cooper Ave.
Total trail length: 11.25 miles
Surface type: concrete
Accessibility status: ADA accessible
Amenities: Seasonal restrooms, dog park, benches, trash receptacles
Entrance fee: free entry
Densmore Park
Trail: Jamaica North Trail
Starting points: The trail sign location can be accessed from Densmore Park by using the Rock Island Trail. Park on the western side of Densmore Park by the playground and tennis courts and continue west on the Rock Island Trail over the Railroad Bridges and take the ramps down to the Jamaica North Trail where the sign is located at the historical marker. This route is approximately 0.5 miles.
The trail sign can also be accessed from the Wilderness Park Parking Lot at Old Cheney. Take the dirt path east from the parking lot entry at Old Cheney for approximately 200 feet until you meet the gravel Jamaica North Trail. Head south and travel approximately 0.8 miles to the historical marker by the former railroad bridge overcrossing.
Total trail length: 6.5 miles
Surface type: concrete & crushed limestone
Accessibility status: The trail is ADA accessible from Densmore Park.
Amenities: Benches, historical marker, map. From Densmore parking area: restrooms , trash receptacles, playground, water.
Entrance fee: Free entry
Bishop Heights Park
Trail: Rock Island Trail
Starting point: Park at Prescott Ave./Teri Lane near South 30th St. and walk northwest past playground at Bishop Heights to the Rock Island Trail. Alternate parking lot on south side of South St. near Memorial Dr. and head south on the Rock Island Trail for a 1.25 mile walk/ride to reach the sign location.
Total trail length: 4.8 miles
Surface type: paved
Accessibility status: ADA accessible
Amenities: Playground, water fountain, art, trash receptacle, bench
Entrance fee: free entry
Platte River State Park
Trail: Stone Creek Falls
Starting point: Stone Creek Falls parking lot is the recommended trailhead.
Total trail length: 1/2 mile
Surface type: dirt path
Accessibility status: not ADA accessible
Amenities: There is a bench near the falls and restrooms and trash receptacles in the parking lot.
Entrance fee: A 2024 Nebraska state park vehicle permit is required for entry.
Red Willow Reservoir SRA
Trail: Willow View Trail
Starting point: site 48 at Willow View Campground
Total trail length: 2.6 miles
Surface type: dirt path
Accessibility status: not ADA accessible
Amenities: restrooms, trash receptacles and playground nearby
Entrance fee: A 2024 Nebraska state park vehicle permit is required for entry.
Arbor Day Farm
Trail: Tree Trail
Starting point: The trail is just off the parking lot north of Arbor Lodge.
Total trail length: 1/2 mile
Surface type: crushed rock
Accessibility status: ADA accessible
Amenities: benches, restrooms, trash receptacles, playground, museum, water fountains, picnic area
Entrance fee: free entry
Lewis and Clark Visitor Center
Trail: Doug Bereuter Tree Trail
Starting point: Main lobby of the visitor center, 50 yards from the parking lot.
Total trail length: 1/2 mile
Surface type: wood chips and dirt
Accessibility status: not ADA accessible
Amenities: restrooms, water fountains, trash receptacles, benches and exhibits
Entrance fee: free entry
Niobrara State Park
Trail: Bluff Trail
Starting point: The lookout near cabin 13 has a parking lot, concrete pad with a picnic table, and is the start of Bluff Trail.
Total trail length: 1,000 yards
Surface type: mowed grass
Accessibility status: not ADA accessible
Amenities: picnic table on concrete pad
Entrance fee: A 2024 Nebraska state park vehicle permit is required for entry.
Cowboy Trail SRA
Trail: Cowboy Trail (east)
Starting point: The trailhead parking lot is located ~3 miles southwest of Norfolk and can be accessed via Omaha Ave. and then heading south on Railroad Rd. From the trailhead, head west toward the Elkhorn River.
Total trail length: 203 miles
Surface type: crushed limestone
Accessibility status: not ADA accessible
Amenities: benches along the trail
Entrance fee: free entry
Centennial Park
Trail: Centennial Park Trail
Starting point: A large concrete parking lot is available at the intersection of Oak and Leota. From the parking lot, head south and then east to find Kit.
Surface type: 8′ wide concrete/asphalt
Accessibility status: ADA accessible
Amenities: Restrooms and drinking fountains are located near the starting point. There are benches and fitness stations located along the trail.
Entrance fee: Free entry
Lake Ogallala SRA
Trail: Lake Ogallala Hike & Bike Trail
Starting point: The trailhead located on the south side of the Lake Ogallala’s east campground.
Total trail length: 1.8 miles to Diversion Dam and 1.8 miles back to the trailhead
Surface type: mix of rock and dirt
Accessibility status: This trail is not ADA accessible. However, a wheel chair or stroller can be pushed on trail or accessed by power assist chairs.
Amenities: Restrooms, shower, drinking fountain and trash receptacles are located 100 yards from the trailhead. Benches are located near start and end of trail. A dog waste station is located at trailhead.
Entrance fee: A 2024 Nebraska state park vehicle permit is required for entry.
Heartland of America Park to NP Dodge Park
Trail: Riverfront Trail
Starting point: Numerous locations: Heartland of America Park, Lewis & Clark Landing, Miller’s Landing Park, Kiwanis Park, Levi Carter Park, NP Dodge Park. The sign is located north of the Bob Kerrey Pedestrian Bridge.
Total trail length: 8.65 miles
Surface type: concrete
Accessibility status: ADA accessible
Amenities: playgrounds, benches, picnic tables, Bob Kerrey Pedestrian Bridge, Freedom Park (Saturdays only – 10am to 3 pm), Lewis & Clark Interpretive Trail monuments, etc.
Entrance fee: free entry
Lower Loup NRD Arboretum
Trail: Lower Loup NRD Arboretum Trail
Starting point: Park at LLNRD Headquarters in Ord. Visitors can also access the trail at Auble’s Pond, but parking is very limited.
Total trail length: Arboretum Loop is .4 miles. The trail from there to and around Auble’s Pond is another .85 miles.
Surface type: concrete
Accessibility status: ADA accessible
Amenities: benches, restrooms, trash receptacles, playground, campground, fishing docks
Entrance fee: free entry
Halleck Park
Trail: Halleck Park Trail
Starting point: Park in the parking lots next to the pond and/or the large picnic shelter found in the middle of the park. The trailhead is just north of the intersection of East Lincoln street and Halleck Park Road. The selfie sign is east of the trailhead. *Note – this sign is tall, so be sure to look up!
Total trail length: Halleck Park Trail is a portion of the Papio NRD’s West Papio Trail, it can take you to Bellevue or North West Omaha.
Surface type: concrete
Accessibility status: ADA accessible
Amenities: Public restrooms in the large picnic shelter, playground, Arboretum, baseball fields, basketball courts, fishing, horseshoe pits, benches, pavilion, pickleball
Entrance fee: free entry
Papio Missouri NRD – Chalco Hills Recreation Area
Trail: Chalco Hills Trail
Starting point: Visitors will encounter the parking lot in front of the main building after driving up the boulevard. From the main parking lot, head slightly southwest of the main building to park near the restrooms, the Heartland Bike Share Station and the start of the trail. The sign will be at the 1.8 mile marker.
Surface type: concrete
Accessibility status: ADA accessible
Amenities: restrooms and trash receptacles
Entrance fee: free entry
Nemaha NRD
UPDATE – The Steamboat Trace Trail is currently closed due to recent flooding. Those who submit photos at the closure sign will be counted as valid. Please check back for trail closure updates.
Trail: Steamboat Trace
Starting point: The trailhead is located at 5th St. & Plum St. in Peru, NE. From the trailhead, head south to find Kit.
Total trail length: 22 miles
Surface type: crushed limestone
Accessibility status: ADA accessible
Amenities: The trailhead has a picnic shelter with picnic tables, restrooms and trash receptacles (ADA accessible).
Entrance fee: free entry
Willow Creek SRA
Trail: William J. Meyer Memorial Trail
Starting point: At our North Entrance, a half mile south of the intersection of 548th Ave and 853rd Rd, approximately 1.5 miles southeast of Pierce. The trail goes around Willow Creek Reservoir and into the town of Pierce.
Total trail length: 10 miles
Surface type: crushed limestone
Accessibility status: ADA accessible
Amenities: benches, restrooms at trailheads, trash receptacles, playground.
Entrance fee: A 2024 Nebraska state park vehicle permit is required for entry.
Ponca State Park
Trail: Tri-State Overlook Trail
Starting point: Tri-State Overlook trailhead parking lot
Total trail length: ~1.25 mile loop
Surface type: dirt path
Accessibility status: not ADA accessible
Amenities: picnic table, bench, portable restrooms, trash receptacles, playground, scenic overlook
Entrance fee: A 2024 Nebraska state park vehicle permit is required for entry.
NOTE: Ashfall Fossil Beds is now closed for the season. View hours and admission here.
Ashfall Fossil Beds State Historical Park
Trail: Colson Creek Trail
Starting point: The Colson Creek Trailhead is approximately 50 yards northwest of the Visitor Center and main parking lot at Ashfall Fossil Beds State Historical Park.
Total trail length: ~.8 miles
Surface type: mowed grass
Accessibility status: not ADA accessible
Amenities: Benches, restrooms, water fountains, and picnic facilities
Entrance fee: In addition to a 2024 Nebraska state park vehicle permit, an $8 entrance fee is required for all park visitors.
Riverside Park
Trail: Monument Valley Pathway (North)
Starting point: We have several good starting points, but one of the more popular ones is in Riverside Park. There is ample parking and a great part of the path along the river.
Total trail length: 7.9 miles
Surface type: concrete
Accessibility status: ADA accessible
Amenities: Benches and rest spots are located along the pathway. Trash receptacles and portables restrooms are available. The trail also goes through or near many other parks, so playgrounds are also accessible.
Entrance fee: free entry
Indian Cave State Park
Trail: Trail #7
Starting point: Park at trailhead for Trail #7 on the main road. See the Indian Cave State Park map for location details.
Total trail length: .3 miles in and .3 miles back to get to the selfie sign (trails continue throughout the park).
Surface type: dirt
Accessibility status: not ADA accessible
Amenities: restroom near the trailhead
Entrance fee: A 2024 Nebraska state park vehicle permit is required for entry.
Lower Platte South NRD
Trail: Lied Bridge Platte River Connection
Starting point: Lied Bridge parking lot in South Bend.
Total trail length: 1/2 mile
Surface type: crushed rock & concrete
Accessibility status: not ADA accessible
Amenities: portable restrooms near the trailhead entrance and benches along trail
Entrance fee: free entry
Summit Lake SRA
Trail: Geronimo Trail
Starting point: boat ramp parking lot
Total trail length: 1 mile
Surface type: grass/dirt path
Accessibility status: not ADA accessible
Amenities: Wildflower Garden and benches, 1 small shelter, water hydrant, playground, restrooms located at the boat ramp, ADA fishing pier
Entrance fee: A 2024 Nebraska state park vehicle permit is required for entry.
Cowboy Trail SRA
Trail: Cowboy Trail (west trailhead)
Starting point: Cowboy Trail’s west trailhead parking lot is located about three miles southeast of Valentine, right off of HWY 20.
Total trail length: 203 miles
Surface type: crushed limestone
Accessibility status: not ADA accessible
Amenities: benches along the trail (no restrooms at the trailhead)
Entrance fee: free entry
Smith Falls State Park
Trail: Smith Falls Trail
Starting point: Park at the visitor center. The trailhead is located at the bottom of the stairs that face the river at the visitor center.
Total trail length: 1.1 miles
Surface type: concrete
Accessibility status: ADA accessible
Amenities: benches, vault toilet restrooms, trash receptacles
Entrance fee: A 2024 Nebraska state park vehicle permit is required for entry.
Earn a Your Parks Adventure Trail Trek sticker, a commemorative walking stick medallion, a T-shirt or maybe even the Grand Prize by submitting you trail adventures online. Each participant will be eligible for a chance to win an annual subscription to Nebraskaland Magazine, outdoor gear and more! Prizes will be drawn shortly after Your Parks Adventure concludes.
With one entry, you are eligible to receive a prize or token available for pickup at any of the coinciding park location offices (below) during operating office hours. Entitles you to one entry into the prize drawing. Trail locations with single-entry pickups include:
- Lewis and Clark SRA
- Willow Creek SRA
- Niobrara State Park
- Pawnee SRA
- Platte River State Park
- Ponca State Park
- Red Willow SRA
- Rock Creek Station SHP
- Schramm Education Center
- Smith Falls State Park
- Wildcat Hills Nature Center
Foldable Water Bottle: For accumulating 10 to 19 entries, you are eligible to receive a foldable water bottle. Prize will be mailed at the conclusion of the contest period. You will receive an equivalent number of entries into the prize drawing.
Commemorative Walking Stick Medallion: Upon reaching 20 to 39 entries, you are eligible to receive a commemorative walking stick medallion, which will be mailed at the conclusion of Your Parks Adventure. You will receive an equivalent number of entries into the prize drawing.
Commemorative T-shirt: Achieving 40 or more entries qualifies you to receive a commemorative Trail Trek T-shirt, which will be mailed at the conclusion of Your Parks Adventure. You will receive an equivalent number of entries into the prize drawing.
One lucky participant will win the Trail Trek Grand Prize: a Nebraskaland Magazine subscription and calendar, outdoor gear, and a two-night cabin stay at a Nebraska state park!