Wildlife management plans
Nebraska Game and Parks conducts research, gathers public input and creates plans to best manage our wildlife populations and natural resources.

Berggren pheasant plan
Since their introduction to Nebraska around 1900, ring-necked pheasants have become a fixture of the state’s agricultural landscape and cultural heritage. The updated Berggren pheasant management plan seeks to build on past successes, expand partnerships throughout the state and continue to direct pheasant management activities in the most cost-effective way possible.

Mountain lion management plan
In 2017, Nebraska Game and Parks approved its mountain lion management plan, which guides management decisions aimed at maintaining resilient, healthy, and socially acceptable mountain lion populations that are in balance with available habitat and other wildlife species over the long term.

Elk plan
Nebraska Game and Parks is working on an elk management plan that draws new elk permit boundaries, better distributes elk permits, addresses elk depredation issues, and continues to provide opportunities for hunters.

Bighorn sheep plan
The Commission’s goal is to establish a self-sustaining, free-ranging bighorn sheep population in all areas of suitable habitat in the State of Nebraska.

Otter management plan
The river otter management plan is a dynamic one that aims to maintain resilient, healthy, and socially acceptable river otter populations that are in balance with available habitat and other wildlife species over the long term.

CWD management plan
The Nebraska Game and Parks Commission first developed a Chronic Wasting Disease Management Plan in 2002. The plan is designed to track occurrences of CWD and create strategies that reduce further spread.