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Nebraska Bird Month Events

Celebrate Nebraska Bird Month throughout May by attending a bird-themed event near you.

Nebraska Bird Month is an annual celebration throughout the month of May — a time when birders and nature lovers come together to appreciate the more than 400 bird species that live or pass through Nebraska. During May, bird-focused events will be hosted across the state by a variety of organizations, including the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission and many collaborative partners.

Protect Insects, Protect Birds

The 2024 World Migratory Bird Day theme is: Protect Insects, Protect Birds. As an essential source of energy for many birds on their migratory journeys, insects are crucial to the overall success of bird migrations. Remember: Insect conservation is for the birds!

2024 Bird Month Events

Birding at Prairie Silver Moores

April 27, 7 a.m.-noon, Prairie Silver Moores

Central Platte NRD invites the community to a free family-friendly birding event on April 27 at the Prairie Silver Moores detention cells. This event promises an exciting opportunity to observe a variety of bird species while exploring the wetlands and detention cells up close. Located just 6 miles northwest of Grand Island, the Central Platte NRD’s second annual PSM Birding Event offers a chance to appreciate Nebraska’s diverse landscapes and their significance as bird and wildlife habitats. Whether you’re a seasoned birder or a novice enthusiast, grab your binoculars and bring along a friend for a memorable experience. Our team of wildlife biologists will be on-site to assist attendees with bird identification, ensuring a fulfilling and educational experience for all. Additionally, participants will have the opportunity to win exciting wildlife-themed prizes. Light refreshments and porta-johns will also be available on-site for added convenience.


Bill Hiatt

Birdability Hike

April 27, 9-10:30 a.m. at Lauritzen Gardens

Explore the beautiful Lauritzen Gardens during an inclusive and accessible bird outing designed for all skill levels and those with mobility or health concerns. The potential route of this bird outing will be approximately 1.5 miles in total and exclusively on asphalt and concrete. The outing will be led by the president of the Audubon Society of Omaha, Christine Prescott, during the peak of spring migration.

Cost & registration

$20, $10 for garden members; pre-registration is required.


Monroe Burianek

Insects & Birds Crafting

Beginning May 1, 10 a.m.-3 p.m., Lincoln Children’s Museum

Throughout May, craft various birds and insects in Tinker Theater located on the upper floor of the Lincoln Children’s Museum.


Museum admission


Kelly Stenka

Members-only Plant Sale

May 2, 4-7 p.m., Nebraska Statewide Arboretum

The Nebraska Statewide Arboretum will host six plant sales in May that will showcase native plants that support birds; the May 2 sale is for members only. Bird Month materials will be distributed to customers during the sales.


Michelle DeRusha

Bird & Bagels

May 3 & 4, 8-10 a.m. at Homestead National HIstorical Park

Do you enjoy slow walks while being serenaded by elusive songsters? If you answered yes (or even maybe), be sure to be at Homestead National Historical Park’s Education Center on May 3 and/or 4 for a ranger-led bird excursion. During the stroll, which will take about two hours and cover about a mile of trail, participants will work together with the ranger to find and identify as many of the songsters as possible. All ages and abilities are welcome. This event is free and does not require an entry fee.


Jessi Bolli

Birding at Teal View

May 4, 7:30-9 a.m., Teal View Wetland Education Area

Avian enthusiasts are invited to participate in a bird watching event on Saturday, May 4, from 7:30 to 9 a.m. at Teal View Wetland Education Area near Hampton. This public access wetland is managed by the Upper Big Blue Natural Resources District and is frequented by thousands of birds each year. Thanks to a partnership with Nebraska Game and Parks, the NRD will have 20 sets of binoculars and birding guides available for use at the event. There is no cost to attend and some refreshments will be provided. Bring a friend and explore nature’s wonders in a wetland, one of Nebraska’s most important and endangered landscapes. Birding activities will be self-guided. Participants are encouraged to:

  • Wear quiet clothing (no noisy fabrics or buckles) in natural colors to blend in with the wetland surroundings (camo optional!).
  • Bring something to sit on.
  • Plan for stillness.
  • Spread out in the space and observe wildlife quietly.
  • Bring a camera or journal to record your experience.
  • Plan ahead: Teal View is minimally developed and has no bathroom facilities.
  • Use bug spray and wear appropriate clothing to deter ticks and other critters.


Chrystal Houston

Warbler Walk

May 4, 9-11:30 a.m. at Lauritzen Gardens

Lauritzen Gardens hosts a surprising diversity of bird life. The list of 161 species sighted at the garden includes 23 types of warblers, beautiful little birds that migrate up the Missouri River in spring. In celebration of Nebraska Migratory Bird Month, director of conservation Jim Locklear will lead a walking tour of Lauritzen Gardens that will highlight the natural history of these captivating travelers.

Cost & registration

Pre-registration is required for this event; each registration is for one individual 16 years and older. The cost is $10 for members and $20 for non-members.


Monroe Burianek

Public Plant Sale

May 4, 9 a.m.-noon, Nebraska Statewide Arboretum

The Nebraska Statewide Arboretum will host six plant sales in May that will showcase native plants that support birds. Bird Month materials will be distributed to customers during the sales.


Michelle DeRusha

Trail Feathers: Bird Outing

May 11, 8-10 a.m., Morrill Sandpits

Did you know that western Nebraska is a birding convergence of eastern and western species? Join Bird Conservancy of the Rockies to get to know the winged wonders that share our home. We will explore different area of the panhandle each month, covering many habitats with a chance to discover new birds each time. This free program is intended for anyone interested in birding; from beginners to experts. Binoculars and field guides will be available to borrow. Please wear comfortable walking shoes and be prepared to be outside for two hours. Meet at the Morrill Sandpits, located at 2.5 miles south of Morrill, NE 69358 on Morrill Road 79D. Entrance is on South Side of the River on West Side of Highway.


Registration is required and is limited to 15 people; it closes May 9 at 11:59 p.m. Mountain time.


Delanie Bruce

Super Bird Saturday

May 11, 8 a.m.-noon, Spring Creek Audubon

Visit Spring Creek Audubon Center for a day of bird-themed fun on the tallgrass prairie.

Birding by Ear Workshop – 8-9 a.m. If you have ever wanted to know what birds sing what songs, join our “bird nerd” Jason for a fun workshop to learn to identify bird songs and calls. After a short presentation inside, we’ll move outside for a practical birding-by-ear stroll to listen and learn. Please dress appropriately for the outdoors.

Slow Birding – 9-10 a.m. Join Nebraska’s Birdability Captain, Cassandra Dean, for a relaxed bird outing.

Family Bird Fair – 10 a.m.-noon. We’ll have fun bird activities for all ages!

Free admission; no registration needed for any of the programs.


Jason St. Sauver

Critter Count Bird Walk

May 11, 8 a.m.-2:30 p.m., Homestead National Monument

Visit Homestead National Monument on May 11 and choose from 3 free ranger-led nature walks:

  • 8 a.m.-9:30 a.m.: Bird Walk
  • 10 a.m.–noon: Plant Walk
  • 12:30 p.m.-2:30 p.m.: Insect Walk

Sunscreen and insect repellent are recommended. The goal during the walks will be to look for, photograph, and record the critters that are encountered. Data will be collected using the iNaturalist app, but you do not need a device to participate; no experience is needed, and everyone is welcome! This event is a celebration of the original restoration activities that allows us in 2024 to get a glimpse of what the first homesteaders encountered in eastern Nebraska.


Jessi Bolli

Bird Month

May 11, 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Ponca State Park

Enjoy Ponca State Park with a day of fun-filled birding activities.


Katie Laware

Birding Hike

May 11, 8:30-10 a.m., Platte River State Park

Learn some basic birding skills, then join us on a hike in the park to look for birds on World Migratory Bird Day. Meet at the Nature Center below Mallet Lodge.


Kelly Ekue

Mother’s Day Bird Walk

May 12, 9-11 a.m., Pioneers Park

Bring Mom for a slow walk through the wetland and woodland areas of Pioneers Park Nature Center looking and listening for springtime birds. Bring your own binoculars or borrow a pair from the Nature Center.


$5 per person


Register by May 9.


Neal Bryan

Plant Sale: Omaha

May 11, 9 a.m.-noon, Douglas/Sarpy County Extension Office

The Nebraska Statewide Arboretum will host six plant sales in May that will showcase native plants that support birds. Bird Month materials will be distributed to customers during the sales. This event will take place in Omaha at the Douglas/Sarpy County Extension Office.


Michelle DeRusha

Birding Hike

May 11, 10-11:30 a.m., Schramm Park

Learn some basic birding skills, then join us on a hike in the park to look for birds for World Migration Bird Day. Meet in the lobby at Schramm Education Center.


Kelly Ekue

Birding Bonanza

May 11, 10 a.m.-noon, Fontenelle Forest

In celebration of Migratory Bird Month, this community science day will focus on birds! Join us at Fontenelle Forest Nature Center in Omaha as we learn how to identify, count, and hear common birds in the Forest and discuss community science projects you can assist with in your own backyard!


$15: members
$20: non-members


Lauren Walker

Chimney Swift Tower Dedication

May 11 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., UNL East Campus – Hardin Hall

Join us in dedicating the first Chimney Swift Tower installed in the Lincoln area on May 11th: Migratory Bird Day! The tower was installed as a memorial to the late Dr. Mary Bomberger Brown (1957 – 2019). Mary was on faculty at UNL’s School of Natural Resources where she advocated for birds. A social with coffee, donuts, and cookies will open the dedication followed by opening comments by Dave Titterington, owner of the Wild Bird Habitat Stores. Speakers will include Dr. Larkin Powell, director of UNL’s School of Natural Resources, Micheal Forsberg, Nebraska conservation photographer, and Bill Siebert, officer of Bluebirds Across Nebraska.

Event is free, all ages are welcome!


Dave Titterington


Birds & Bugs

May 14, 9:30-11 a.m., Mahoney State Park

Celebrate Nebraska Bird Month and World Migratory Bird Day with us as we discover why insects are essential for many migratory bird species, not only during the breeding seasons but also during their extensive migration journeys. This free event will take place at the newly renovated James Family Conservatory at Eugene T. Mahoney State Park. A state park permit is required upon entry.


Kelly Ekue

Wise & Wild: Birds & Bugs

May 14, 3-4:30 p.m., Mahoney State Park

Celebrate Nebraska Bird Month and World Migratory Bird Day with us as we discover why insects are essential for many migratory bird species, not only during the breeding seasons but also during their extensive migration journeys. This free event for those age 55+ will take place at the newly renovated James Family Conservatory at Eugene T. Mahoney State Park. A state park permit is required upon entry.


Kelly Ekue

Plant Sale: Lincoln

May 17, 12:30-4:30 p.m., Nebraska Statewide Arboretum

The Nebraska Statewide Arboretum will host six plant sales in May that will showcase native plants that support birds. Bird Month materials will be distributed to customers during the sales.


Michelle DeRusha

Birding by Kayak

May 18, 9-11 a.m., Oliver Reservoir

Join Bird Conservancy of the Rockies to gain a new perspective on birds … from the water! After an introduction to kayaking, we will head out on the water to discover the incredible birds that love Oliver Reservoir as much as we do. Kayaks, life jackets, and binoculars will be provided. This event is free with no entry fee.


Registration is required and limited to 8 people. Participants must be 10 years of age or older by the time of the event. Registration closes at 11:59 p.m. Mountain time May 8.


Delanie Bruce

All About Birds

May 18, 1-3 p.m., Crane Trust

Let’s all go birding together! We’ll meet in the Crane Trust Nature & Visitor Center for a brief, engaging lesson on bird ID and bird sounds before heading outdoors to explore the trails. Enjoy a bird behavior scavenger hunt and other activities! Some binoculars and field guides will be available to borrow. Feel free to bring your own. We may walk up to about 2 miles, though families are welcome to choose your own path. Please dress for the weather and wear sturdy shoes for walking. We recommend long pants for protection from sun, bugs and plants. We also recommend using sunscreen and insect repellent effective for protection from ticks. Best for kids ages 5-15 with their grown-ups.


Amy Sandeen

Celebrate Nebraska Bird Month

May 18, 1-4 p.m., Prairie Pines Nature Preserve

Join us at the Prairie Pines Nature Preserve to celebrate birds! There will be activities in the arboretum about migrating and year-around birds and the important habitat that Nebraska provides for them. There will also be information about what you can do to support them. This event is free with no entry fee.


Sue Kohles

Spring Songbird Program

May 19, 8:30-10:30 a.m., Fontenelle Forest

Join the migration madness at Fontenelle Forest! Join us bright and early to look for some spring songbirds and migrants. During this season, birds like warblers, tanagers, and vireos will be making their appearance in the Forest. Come learn to identify some key groups of songbirds and enjoy searching the Forest for them.


Members: $10
Non-members: $18


Lauren Walker

Plant Sale – Lincoln

May 24 & May 31, 12:30-4:30 p.m., Nebraska Statewide Arboretum

The Nebraska Statewide Arboretum will host six plant sales in May that will showcase native plants that support birds. Bird Month materials will be distributed to customers during the sales.


Michelle DeRusha

Migratory Bird Day

May 25, 3 p.m.-9:30 p.m., Indian Cave State Park

Join us at Indian Cave State Park for a day filled with birding activities, including a guided bird walk, make-and-take bird crafts, games, noon fish fry, glow-in-the dark egg hunt and more!


Jan Alexander

Nebraska birding bowl logo with western meadowlark perched on binoculars.

Nebraska Birding Bowl

Celebrate Nebraska Bird Month this May by getting outside and tracking birds during the Nebraska Birding Bowl. You can help contribute data for bird research during this free, statewide birding competition. Registered participants will have the chance to win prizes such as birding gear or a $1,000 cash prize.

History of World Migratory Bird Day

International Migratory Bird Day — now coined World Migratory Bird Day — was launched in 1993 by the Smithsonian Migratory Bird Center to bring attention to birds, bird migration, and bird habitat needs. This international event is organized by Environment for the Americas and will take place this year on May 11, 2024, in the United States and Canada, and on Oct. 12 in Mexico, Central and South America, and the Caribbean. As many as 700 events and programs within the world’s major migratory pathways are hosted annually to connect the public with birds and ways to conserve them.



Learn more about Nebraska's birds, which include more than 400 species.

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Watchable Wildlife Birds

Watchable Wildlife Birds

Within the borders of Nebraska, there is an opportunity to view more than 400 species of birds.

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Community Science

Community Science

Community science calls on people like you to help collect data for scientists to use.

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