Wetland pumping schedule
For more information on how, when, and why the Commission pumps water into wetlands, view the current wetland habitat conditions and pumping plan schedule on our Waterfowl page under “Wetland habitat conditions”.
Take a deep dive into our newest wetlands resources, including expanded website content, documentaries featuring Nebraska’s five main wetland types, classroom resources and more!
Nebraska contains more acres of wetlands than any surrounding state. These wetlands are very diverse and dynamic and include marshes, lakes, river and stream backwaters, oxbows, wet meadows, fens, forested swamps, and seeps. To help you explore the varying roles that wetlands can play, this site defines wetlands, discusses their importance and dynamics, identifies status and trends, describes conservation programs that benefit wetlands, and takes an in-depth look at Nebraska’s regional wetland complexes.
Take time to explore Nebraska’s wetlands and learn more about the wealth of opportunities they provide.
The Nebraska Game and Parks Commission has partnered with Platte Basin Timelapse to develop wetlands resources that showcase the importance and dynamics of Nebraska’s wetlands and take an in-depth look at Nebraska’s regional wetland complexes. Take a deep dive into our newest wetlands resources, including expanded website content, documentaries featuring Nebraska’s five main wetland types, links to personal stories, photo galleries and more on our wetlands webpages:
Or settle in and watch our wetlands documentary playlist.
Explore Nebraska’s wetlands in this free, full-color publication. It defines and describes Nebraska wetlands and discusses wetland functions, dynamics, classification, inventory and conservation efforts. Fourteen wetland complexes are covered in depth. A listing of wetland plants and animals is provided as well as literature references. Funding was provided by the U.S. Environmental Protection.
Wetlands in Nebraska are filled with amazing plants and animals! Learn about the Nebraska’s different wetland types, which creatures live in them, and how you can explore wetlands in this free kid-friendly, activity-filled publication designed for educators.
We offer lesson plans and films on Nebraska’s incredible wetlands for kindergarten through 12th-grade students. Developed for classroom use, the materials align with state science standards and encourage inquiry and research. Materials focus on Nebraska-based science phenomena including aquatic habitats, adaptations, and native species.
The Wetland Program Plan for Nebraska aims to continue to protect, restore and manage Nebraska’s wetlands. The EPA-approved plan calls for the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission and partner agencies to assess the condition of Nebraska’s wetlands, improve understanding of baseline conditions and to prioritize wetland restoration and protection activities. The full plan is available for download.
For more information on how, when, and why the Commission pumps water into wetlands, view the current wetland habitat conditions and pumping plan schedule on our Waterfowl page under “Wetland habitat conditions”.
The Nebraska Game and Parks Commission, along with biologists from partner agencies, conducted research on the sedimentation of Nebraska’s playa wetlands. Findings from that research are presented in the following report.