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Bowring Ranch

State Historical Park

90468 State Highway 61 | Merriman, NE 69218-0038

Bowring Ranch near Merriman is a Hereford demonstration ranch, donated by former U.S. Senator Eve Bowring in memory of her husband. The ranch house displays fine antique china, crystal and silver, as well as memorabilia from their active public service careers. The Visitor Center interprets ranching, homesteading, geology, wildlife and many other areas related to the Sandhills and the Bowring family. The park grounds are open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mountain Time year-round.


  • Picnicking
  • Museum


The Visitor Center contain displays devoted to the extraordinary lives and careers of Arthur and Eve Bowring, as well as the history and geology of the Sandhills and the Nebraska cattle ranching business. Tours of the home, visitor center, sod house, outbuildings and cattle operation are available.

Visitor Center Hours
  • Memorial Day Weekend to Labor Day: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mountain Time, Tuesday to Saturday (closed Sundays and Mondays)
  • After Labor Day through the day before Memorial Weekend: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mountain Time, Monday through Friday (closed on weekends)
  • Adults (13 & up): $5
  • Children 3-12: $1
  • Children 2 and under: Free

A park entry permit is required and may be purchased at the park, statewide Game and Parks offices and permit vendors or in advance of your arrival online at

Several picnic tables provide guests a place to enjoy a picnic lunch or to just relax and enjoy the beautiful sandhills scenery.

The ranch house contains artifacts that speak to the history of the Nebraska Sandhills, as well as to the Bowrings’ political lives. Eve Bowring’s collections of antique china, crystal and silver are displayed, as are memorabilia from local sandhills businesses and the couple’s political careers. Eve Bowring had the house remodeled in preparation for a visit from President Eisenhower; however, the president had to cancel his visit.

A replica sod house illustrates how early many early settlers to the sandhills lived. This way of life is celebrated during Sod House Saturday Night on June 29. Spend a Saturday evening enjoying a barbecue supper, volunteers participating in an open mic and parking lot dance. Bring family and friends to enjoy good food, fun and Western hospitality.

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Contact us

90468 State Highway 61
Merriman, NE 69218-0038

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A park entry permit is required to visit state parks and may be purchased at the park, statewide Game and Parks offices and permit vendors, or in advance of your arrival online. View those fees, as well as attraction and amenity pricing.

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