Watchable Wildlife Birds
Within the borders of Nebraska there is an opportunity to view more than 400 species of birds, with a record of over 454 birds setting foot in Nebraska according to the Nebraska Ornithologists’ Union. Nebraska is in the Central Flyway, a highway in the sky for migrating birds. Nebraska is on the southern edge of the nesting grounds for northern-breeding species and on the northern edge for southern breeding species. The Sandhills are as pristine an expanse of grassland as can be found on the continent and provide a reliable place to view many declining grassland birds. The Rainwater Basin and Platte River are internationally important for migrating birds. Follow is information about birding opportunities in Nebraska.
Additional information is available on the Nebraska Birding Trails website.
For more information about sandhill crane viewing in Nebraska, read the Nebraskaland Magazine article, “See the Sandhill Crane Migration“, written by Watchable Wildlife Biologist Olivia DaRugna.