Sucker ID
Ictiobus cyprinellus
Also known as: buffalo
Description: Thick-bodied fish with a large, thin-lipped, oblique mouth that opens nearly straight forward. No barbels or heavy spines. Young primarily feed on plankton and bottom-dwelling invertebrates while older fish primarily consume small crawfish, snails, clams, and immature aquatic insects, and strain the water for zooplankton. Seldom caught by anglers.
Family: Sucker
Type: Non-Game Fish
Range: Larger rivers in eastern Nebraska, particularly Central and Lower Platte drainages and adjacent sandpits.
Ictiobus niger
Also known as: buffalo
Description: Thick-bodied fish with a small, thick-lipped mouth positioned near the underside of the head. Back not as elevated as in smallmouth buffalo. No barbels or heavy spines. Bottom-feeder, consumes invertebrates (e.g. zooplankton, insects, and small clams) and attached algae. Seldom caught by anglers.
Family: Sucker
Type: Non-Game Fish
Range: Large rivers in eastern Nebraska, some adjacent sandpits, and Carter Lake in Omaha.

Cycleptus elongatus
Also known as: sucker
Description: A slender, dark-blue fish with a small head, deeply forked tail, and “humped” back with a long sickle-shaped dorsal fin. Bottom-feeder, diet primarily consists of immature aquatic insects. Rarely caught by anglers.
Family: Sucker
Type: Non-Game Fish
Range: Missouri River

Catostomus catostomus
Also known as: sucker
Description: A slender fish having a short, triangular-shaped dorsal fin, very small scales, and a long, pointed snout with “bumpy” lips. Bottom-feeder, primarily consuming immature aquatic insects. Seldom caught by anglers.
Family: Sucker
Type: Non-Game Fish
Range: North and South Platte rivers, upper Niobrara River.

Carpiodes cyprinus
Also known as: quillback carpsucker
Description: Silvery, thick-bodied fish with a long, sickle-shaped dorsal fin with first dorsal ray reaching back beyond middle of fin. Lower lip lacks nipple when mouth is closed. Bottom-feeder, consumes larval aquatic insects, snails, small clams, algae, and debris. Rarely caught by anglers.
Family: Sucker
Type: Non-Game Fish
Range: Statewide

Carpiodes carpio
Also known as: carpsucker
Description: Silvery, thick-bodied fish with a long sickle-shaped dorsal fin – first ray not reaching back beyond middle of fin. It has a nipple-like projection at middle of lower lip when mouth is closed. Bottom-feeder – consumes attached algae and associated protozoans/crustaceans as well as immature aquatic insects/worms, and detritus. Rarely caught by anglers.
Family: Sucker
Type: Non-Game Fish
Range: Statewide

Moxostoma macrolepidotum
Also known as: redhorse
Description: A slender fish having a short, triangular-shaped dorsal fin, dark-edged scales giving the appearance of lines, and a lower lip with grooves and a nearly straight rear margin. All fins have definite red color. Bottom-feeder, primarily consuming immature aquatic insects. Rarely caught by anglers.
Family: Sucker
Type: Non-Game Fish
Range: Statewide

Ictiobus bubalus
Also known as: buffalo
Description: Thick-bodied fish, with a small, thick-lipped mouth positioned near the underside of the head and highly arched back. No barbels or heavy spines. Bottom-feeder, primarily consumes invertebrates (e.g. small crustaceans and insects), attached algae and associated detritus (plant material). Seldom caught by anglers.
Family: Sucker
Type: Non-Game Fish
Range: Missouri River, lower Platte River and adjacent sandpits.

Catostomus commersonii
Also known as: sucker
Description: A slender fish having a short, triangular-shaped dorsal fin; lips covered with small, wart-like bumps (Papillose); and variable-sized scales – largest near tail, smallest near head. Primarily feeds on organic-rich, bottom detritus and immature aquatic insects. Occasionally caught by anglers.
Family: Sucker
Type: Baitfish
Range: Statewide

The Fishes of Nebraska by Hrabik, et. al (2015)
The Fish Book from NEBRASKAland Magazine (1987)Related Content
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