Nebraska Animals

From eastern oak woodlands to western pine forests, Nebraska is home to more than 400 species of birds, including more than 200 breeding species.

It is estimated that there are upwards of 30,000 species of insects in Nebraska. Nebraska’s insect communities are made up of many species groups including moths and butterflies; beetles and true bugs; grasshoppers and crickets; dragonflies and damselflies; ants and bees; flies; and many others.

There are more than 90 mammals are found in Nebraska, but many are small and seldom seen. Early morning or late evening is often the best times to watch for mammals.

Mollusks and crayfish
The mollusks of Nebraska include snails and freshwater mussels. Five species of crayfish can be found in Nebraska and they are an important component of the biological community of a body of water.

Reptiles and amphibians
There are 14 amphibian species, nine species of turtles, 10 lizard species and 29 snakes that call Nebraska home.