Big game trophy records
Our big game trophy record database goes back to 1945.
Nebraska big game trophy certificates have been awarded since 1962 for outstanding big game trophies taken in the state. This searchable database contains trophy whitetail, mule deer, pronghorn antelope, bighorn sheep and elk taken in Nebraska since 1945. You can search the database by species type, weapon used, year and by the hunter’s last name.
Big Game Trophy Records book
Each year the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission publishes an updated edition of the Big Game Trophy Records book. Similar to the online database, this publication contains trophy records for whitetail, mule deer, pronghorn antelope, bighorn sheep and elk taken in Nebraska. The publication also contains additional information on the trophy records program, scoring qualifications and official measurers for Nebraska.
Trophy scoring info
Trophy scoring is based on the standard scoring method developed by the Boone & Crockett Club, the organization which maintains records of all North American big game. Anyone who has taken big game in Nebraska by legal means during an authorized season is invited to present the trophy for scoring. This includes whitetail deer, mule deer, pronghorn, American elk, and bighorn sheep. Trophies taken in past years as well as the present are eligible.
Currently, 32 categories of big game trophies are recognized in the state records program by species (whitetail deer, mule deer, pronghorn, bighorn sheep and elk), type of rack, (typical or non-typical), and method of take, (archery, crossbows, modern firearm, or muzzleloader).
Species | Modern firearm | Muzzleloader/Crossbow | Archery |
Typical mule deer | 150 | 145 | 140 |
Non-typical mule deer | 170 | 160 | 155 |
Typical whitetail deer | 150 | 140 | 125 |
Non-typical whitetail deer | 160 | 155 | 150 |
Pronghorn | 73 | 65 | 60 |
Typical American elk | 300 | 255 | 210 |
Non-typical American elk | 310 | 265 | 220 |
Bighorn sheep | 165 | 136 | 130 |
More information
Both the Boone & Crockett Club and the Pope & Young Club have excellent information about trophy scoring along with score forms and instructions you can download. Each club’s homepage has additional facts, trophy pictures, and tips you may find interesting and useful.
If you have any questions or comments about the records program, please contact Ethan Dyer.
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