Nebraska Bowhunter Survey
The Nebraska Game and Parks Commission would like to gather information about deer numbers and herd dynamics, so we are inviting bow hunters to assist with the collection of this important management information. Age and sex classification data in deer, as well as population indices, are important biological metrics for wildlife managers.
By participating in this survey, we gain much needed information that helps us to manage those populations within Nebraska for Nebraskans. The survey period will run from the beginning of the archery season up until the November Firearm opener.
1. Please bookmark this page on your phone or computer for easy access.
2. To enter an observation, click on the button above.
3. Please complete this form at the end of your hunt each day. If you hunt morning and evening on the same day, please record two entries. Only count observations that occur during a hunt.
4. Required info:
a. Email – Your email address will be used as your individual ID/login so we may calculate metrics based on the number of individual survey participants. It will also allow us to contact you with results, updates and details regarding the survey. Those emails will be very few, and your email will not be used for any other purposes.
b. Date – Please enter the date of your hunt
c. Hours hunted – Population trend data will be analyzed based on the number of hours spent on stand or hunting.
d. Time of hunt – You have the option of selecting Morning, Midday or Evening (or all three). This will allow comparisons of observation data between times of day.
e. Deer Management Unit – Please record the unit where your hunt took place. This helps give spatial reference to our data and will help with those specific units.
f. Enter observation data of Whitetail Deer and classify those deer as Antlered Bucks, Does, Fawns and Unknown. Please include all observations while hunting.
5. Submit the record. You will be sent back to this page when you hit “Submit”.
This survey was initiated in 2020, and in future years, between-year comparisons will be made and shared on our Wildlife Surveys webpage.
For questions, please contact Luke Meduna, Big Game Program Manager at
Thank you for your participation.
Nebraska Deer Management Units