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Interstate Wildlife Violator Compact

The Interstate Wildlife Violator Compact is an agreement that recognizes suspension of hunting, fishing, and trapping licenses in the 46 states that are members of the compact. This means that anyone whose license privileges or rights are suspended in any member state may also be suspended in all other member states.

Nebraska became the 46th compact member state in 2017. Suspensions on or after Nov. 7, 2017 are subject to the compact. Nebraska’s participation in the compact offers the following benefits:

  • Allows consistent treatment for residents and nonresidents who commit the same violation;
  • Keeps nonresidents who receive a citation in the field from being transported to a local courthouse or booked into jail in order to ensure they appear in court where the violation took place;
  • Provides for reciprocal recognition of suspensions and revocations from other member states;
  • Addresses failure to appear charges for wildlife crimes with the deterrent of possible suspension or revocation in all member states for failing to appear for a wildlife citations;
  • The compact and state statutes have due process safeguards in place, to protect the rights of the accused.

Frequently asked questions

My privileges are suspended in Nebraska. Can I hunt/fish/trap in other states?
It is your responsibility to contact the wildlife agency of the state you wish to participate in any of those activities prior to purchasing a license or participating in those activities. If the violation you are suspended for in Nebraska is a suspendable offense in that state, the answer is likely no.

I am a non-resident wishing to hunt in Nebraska but my privileges are suspended or revoked in my home state. Can I hunt/fish/trap in Nebraska?
If the offense you were suspended for in your home state is also a suspendable offense in Nebraska, we will honor the suspension.

For more information

For more information about the Interstate Wildlife Violator Compact in Nebraska, please email Jeff Clauson or call 402-471-0480.

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