Jan 24, 2025
LWCF, RTP grantees approved by commissioners
Grantees for the Land and Water Conservation Fund and Recreational Trails Fund were approved.
The access road and boat launch at Willow Lake B.C. Wildlife Management Area in Brown County has reopened.
The primitive, natural base boat ramp has been upgraded to an articulated concrete mat. These ACM ramps are particularly well-suited for sandhill lakes where poured concrete pads tend to shift and quickly deteriorate in the sandy substrate. Users now can access the 380-acre Willow Lake more easily and without the need for specialized vehicles.
Along with the ACM boat ramp upgrade, a new dock was installed. An Americans with Disabilities Act-compliant parking pad and sidewalk leads to the dock. Cobblestone was placed along both sides of the ramp and rock riprap was installed along 200 feet of shoreline to address erosion issues. An ADA-compliant parking pad and sidewalk also were added to the recently upgraded restroom onsite.
This project is made possible by a Sportfish Restoration Grant.
Questions can be directed to ngpc.boataccess@nebraska.gov.