Mar 10, 2025
Challenge rewarded: Upland Slam grand prizes awarded
Alabama hunter wins grand prize -- a Weatherby Orion 12-gauge shotgun -- in Nebraska Upland Slam.
Two prescribed burns are set to take place on Open Fields and Waters sites in Knox and Cedar counties this fall or winter to improve habitat.
Burn dates will be determined by favorable weather conditions, available burn crews and resources. Each burn is expected to be completed within one day, with active burning taking several hours.
On the day of each burn, bright orange “Prescribed Burn Ahead” signs will be placed at the OFW field entrances to alert potential hunters.
The burn in Knox County is in preparation for seeding that will increase the habitat quality on the Conservation Reserve Program acres there. In Cedar County, the fire will be contained to a small portion of the OFW site and is aimed at controlling regrowth of woody species on this and a neighboring property after the land was mechanically cleared of red cedar. This burn will encourage the growth of native plants and improve rangeland quality.
Both fires will be conducted with the assistance of the Northeast Nebraska Prescribed Burn Association. The NNPBA is a landowner-led, neighbor-helping-neighbor association covering Dixon, Cedar, Wayne, and Knox counties that is supported by Pheasants Forever. The association gives landowners access to equipment, planning expertise, training and manpower to use fire safely and effectively.
Prescribed fire is a management tool that benefits wildlife habitat and rangeland health. Burned acres often become more attractive to wildlife, and for some species, the effect is immediate. Used in conjunction with grazing, prescribed burning also can set back smooth brome and Kentucky bluegrass, increase diversity in grasslands and improve habitat for wildlife.
If conditions do not allow for the burns to be conducted this fall or winter, the OFW sites will be prioritized for burning next spring instead.
To learn more about prescribed fire in northeast Nebraska, call the Game and Parks Commission’s Norfolk office at 402-370-3374.