Feb 25, 2025
Milford, Pound winners in regional NASP event
Milford and Pound Middle School won their divisions in the regional archery tournament held Feb. 22.
Join the fun and participate in the first Nebraska Birding Bowl. This free, statewide birding competition will take place throughout May, which is Nebraska Bird Month.
The Nebraska Game and Parks Commission, along with partners Audubon Great Plains and the Wild Bird Habitat Store, are launching this event, which is an opportunity to get outside and contribute data toward bird conservation, for birders of all ages and experience levels.
Participation – as an individual or team – is easy. Read the event details and register online through May 31. Birders will choose one of the following categories in which to participate:
There are endless opportunities to observe birds in Nebraska during May, from viewing songbirds in parks, shorebirds in wetlands, observing common backyard birds, to attending one of the many guided Nebraska Bird Month Programs.
For this competition, eBird, a web-based, community science platform, will be used. It is designed for tracking bird observations while also contributing data for bird conservation. The Birding Bowl website features an eBird guide and tutorial webinar opportunities.
Participants have a chance to win prizes that include bird feeders, a pair of Vortex binoculars, or up to a $1,000 cash prize.
Register and learn more about the Nebraska Birding Bowl at birdtrail.outdoornebraska.gov/birdingbowl.