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Nebraska’s first All-State archery team honored

Nebraska students are being recognized for their archery and academic achievements this school year through the first All-State Team and the Academic Archers in the National Archery in the Schools Program.

Hailey Green of Lincoln Southeast and Aaron Wohleb of Lincoln Southwest were selected as captains on the All-State archery team. A record 371 students qualified for the Academic Archers award.

The All-State Team:

Girls – Hailey Green (captain), senior, Lincoln Southeast; Morgan Bridges, senior, Bellevue Cornerstone Christian; Olivia Burns, sophomore, Lincoln Standing Bear High School; Aspyn Callaway, eighth, Lincoln Pound Middle School; Anna Diessner, seventh, Grand Island Tri-City Homeschool; Allie Gerdes, freshman, Milford; Sydney Havlat, junior, Milford; Maddie Hoyle, eighth, Pound Middle School; Natalie Nutzman, sophomore, Milford; Ayla Salistean, freshman, Milford; Kamryn Wanser, freshman, Standing Bear High School; Addison Wolfe, sophomore, Lincoln Southeast High School

Girls Honorable Mention – Layla Elstun, junior, Milford; Skyler Meinecke, senior, Lincoln Southwest High School; Meghan Morrison, junior, Cornerstone Christian

Boys – Aaron Wohleb (captain), senior, Lincoln Southwest; Damien Brown, junior, Lincoln North Star High School; Eli Collins, seventh, Cornerstone Christian; Aiden Jedlecki, freshman, Cornerstone Christian; Aidan Mach, junior, Lincoln Southwest; Will Muff, senior, Lincoln Pius X High School; Camdon Roker, seventh, Pound Middle School; Connor Rowe, junior, Lincoln Southwest; Brody Schnieders, junior, Pius X; Hunter Therkildsen, fourth, Cornerstone Christian; Chris Wissenburg, eighth, Milford; James Wissenburg, sophomore, Milford

Boys Honorable Mention – Chason Bell, sixth, Lincoln Scott Middle School; London Lambrecht, sophomore, Lincoln Southeast

All-State Team members were top competitors in local and regional NASP events, including the Nebraska NASP state tournament in March.

“These students represent the tremendous young archers we have in the state,” said Aaron Hershberger, NASP State Coordinator of the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission. “They earned this honor because of their skill with a bow and high level of sportsmanship. That is something we are very proud of.”

Honored archers were nominated by coaches and NASP officials. Selection was made by the following formula: average of state NASP tournament score and two other NASP tournament scores; any ties were broken by Academic Archers status, then, if needed, the state tournament score, then, if needed, by grade.

Academic Archer is a national designation earned when students perform well in the classroom, such as Honor Roll, and are in good standing within their team and school’s archery activities. These students meet the national, state and local NASP standards.

“This is what the Archery in the Schools Program accomplishes,” Hershberger said. “Connecting students with a way to become successful in the classroom and beyond as they learn the preparation, discipline and other skills that will help them excel in both endeavors.”

NASP has been in Nebraska since 2004. For more information on the program and to see the list of Academic Archers, visit

Photos of all-state archers, including team captains, a team photo, and cutlines are here.

About Jerry Kane

Jerry Kane is the news manager with the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission. He can be contacted at or 402-471-5008.

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