Feb 24, 2025
BOW to host Ladies Learn to Hunt Safely
This hunter education focused weekend will take place March 28-30 at Platte River State Park.
The Light Goose Conservation Order begins Feb. 10, according to the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission.
The dates are: East Zone, Feb. 10-April 15; Rainwater Basin Zone, Feb. 10-April 5 and West Zone, Feb. 10-April 5.
White and blue-phase snow geese and Ross’ geese may be taken statewide during the conservation order, but different regulations apply in each zone. Read the 2024-2025 Nebraska Small Game and Waterfowl Guide, which includes regulations for the conservation order and a map of the zones, at OutdoorNebraska.gov/guides-maps.
There are no bag or possession limits during the conservation order, and hunters may shoot 30 minutes before sunrise to 30 minutes after sunset. Hunters may use unplugged shotguns and electronic calls during the conservation action.
Permits may be purchased at OutdoorNebraska.gov.
The Light Goose Conservation Order was established in 1999 to reduce snow and Ross’s goose populations, which were damaging subarctic and arctic breeding habitats. A decade ago, population estimates were as high as 20 million birds with no sign the conservation order was having the desired effect.
Recent estimates put the population below 5 million birds. This decline is not believed to be the direct result of the conservation order, as harvest rates remain low and adult survival is high.
Preliminary research suggests multiple factors are contributing to low production and gosling survival. The status of the population will continue to be monitored.