Feb 25, 2025
Milford, Pound winners in regional NASP event
Milford and Pound Middle School won their divisions in the regional archery tournament held Feb. 22.
Spend a fun day outside learning a new skill at the Fort Kearny Outdoor Expo on May 13. Fort Kearny State Recreation Area will host the event from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
The Fort Kearny Outdoor Expo is a full day of hands-on outdoor activities for all ages and experience levels. Volunteers and experts will provide instruction so participants can try activities new to them and possibly use newly learned skills to become more active in the outdoors.
Activities that will be available include archery, fishing, bowfishing, kayaking, target shooting, campground games, Kids Outdoor Discovery Zone, hot dog campfire roast, slingshots, and historical reenactments.
Food vendors will be available.
Volunteer opportunities are available by contacting the event’s coordinator, Julia Plugge, at julia.plugge@nebraska.gov or at FortKearnyExpo.com.
The event is free, but a park entry permit is required of each vehicle entering Fort Kearny SRA.