Feb 18, 2025
Catch these March education events
Nebraska Game and Parks educators have scheduled interesting and engaging events for the curious.
Nebraska Game and Parks Commission has scheduled interesting events in August to help build outdoor skills. Here are some opportunities:
Steel Plate Shooting Challenge is Aug. 12
Celebrate National Shooting Sports Month by participating in a Steel Plate Shooting Challenge at 9 a.m. Aug. 12 at Platte River State Park’s Outdoor Heritage Education Complex near Louisville.
The competition is based on accuracy and speed combined to shoot five targets using .22 rimfire handguns or rifles.
The cost is $15. Participants must be at least 16 years of age. Equipment will be provided, but participants may bring their own firearm and .22 LR ammunition only. All personal firearms must be cased. Eye and ear protection is required.
Some shooting experience is preferred but is not required. Expert instructors will be on hand to guide novice shooters.
Register for the event at register-ed.com/events/view/200831.
Umbrella Match for Handguns Aug. 22 and 26
The third and final round of the Umbrella Match for handguns will take place Aug. 22 and 26 at the Nebraska Outdoor Education Center, 4703 N. 44th St., Lincoln. Participants may compete on either date.
This event is open to pistols from all manufacturers. The course of fire will be the same as the Glock Sport Shooting Foundation Indoor League Series.
Check-in begins at 1 p.m. on Aug. 22 and at 8 a.m. on Aug. 26.
Competitors must shoot in two out of the three available matches (June, July, August) to be eligible for prizes.
See the calendar event entry at calendar.outdoornebraska.gov for more information and to register.