Mar 27, 2025
Women can learn, advance their fishing skills at BOW events
BOW is offering Introduction to Fishing and Fishing: Next Steps events at three locations each.
State park areas are wonderful places to celebrate Halloween in Nebraska with many hosting family-friendly activities on weekends in October. Plan your opportunity for fun at several park locations.
Remember: A park entry permit is required of each vehicle entering a state park area. Get yours at or at the park entry booth.
Get into the Halloween spirit at Fremont Lakes State Recreation Area near Fremont on Oct. 14 with family-friendly activities.
Campers may decorate their campsites in a Halloween theme. Then, from 5-7 p.m., children may trick-or-treat in the campground when the decoration judging takes place.
For more information, call the park near Fremont at 402-727-2922.
Two Rivers State Recreation Area near Yutan will celebrate Halloween with Spooktacular 2023 on Oct. 13 and 14.
The heart of the event is in the Goldenrod Campground, where campers are invited to decorate their sites in a Halloween theme.
Among the activities planned for the evening of Oct. 13 are face painting, hayrack rides and serving of hot dogs and nachos.
Scheduled for Oct. 14 are a scavenger hunt, pumpkin painting, raptor presentation, campsite decorating contest, cornhole tournament, chili cook-off and potluck dinner. There also will be trunk-or-treating in the Goldenrod Campground.
Wear your spooky, creative costumes and visit Eugene T. Mahoney State Park near Ashland for Halloween is Brewing with Fun on Oct. 14.
From 2-4 p.m., Owen Marina will be the site for games, pumpkin carving, a costume parade, naturalist programs, a campfire and trolley rides to tour campground Halloween decorations.
Pumpkins will be available to purchase for $6 and carving and decorating tools will be provided. S’more kits and food can be purchased at the marina.
Bring the family to Indian Cave State Park near Shubert for three weekends of Halloween-themed fun in October with the 28th Annual Haunted Hollow.
Haunted hayrack rides, trick-or-treating, outdoor movies, scavenger hunt, pumpkin walk, craft market and campsite decorating contest are all on tap to keep everyone entertained Oct. 13-14, Oct. 20-21 and Oct. 27-28.
For more details, visit the calendar event listing at
The Fourth Annual Johnson Lake State Recreation Area Halloween Haunt will be from 1-6 p.m. Oct. 14 at the Main Campground in the park near Elwood.
There will be pumpkin painting, kids’ games, face painting, and educational talks by master naturalists from 1 to 4 p.m. in Area C. There will be campsite trick-or-treating, an Eagle Scout dedication and free hotdogs and marshmallows at the community firepit from 4 to 6 p.m. Small prizes will be awarded to those who sign up and participate in campsite decorating.
Spend a day with the family Oct. 21 enjoying Spooktacular at Branched Oak State Recreation Area near Raymond.
Middle Oak Creek Campground will host this event, which will include a pumpkin-rolling contest, pumpkin carving, costume contest, campsite decorating, trick-or-treating and haunted hayrack rides.
Space is limited for the haunted hayrack rides; tickets must be purchased in advance by calling 402-783-3400 between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. starting Sept. 25. Admission is $7 for children under 12 and $9 for 13 and older. Children under 3 free. Pick up pre-purchased tickets at the park office during business hours or at the campground information booth at Middle Oak Creek on Oct. 21.
For more details, visit the calendar event listing at
Indian Cave State Park near Shubert will host a Jack-O-Lantern Junk and Craft Market from 10 a.m.- 4 p.m. Oct. 21.
There will be a 2-mile Pink Pumpkin Walk, a cancer fundraiser, and raffle at 11 a.m. A T-shirt is included with registration. Call Angie 402-883-0014 or Joyce 402-855-6087 to register and order a personalized pink pumpkin in memory of a loved one, for those who have beat cancer and those currently fighting it. A T-shirt is included with registration. A raffle also will take place.
From 3:30-5 p.m., the Buskatiers will sponsor Trick-or-Treat by the Buses, handing out candy and popcorn to children.
Come out to Ash Hollow State Historical Park near Lewellen and celebrate Halloween in the Hollow on Oct. 21 from 1-9 p.m. Mountain time.
There will be kids’ games, s’mores, pumpkin picking and decorating, a scavenger hunt, hayrack rides and a costume contest, which begins at 4:30 p.m.
At 5 p.m., Trunk or Treat will be sponsored by Nebraska Game and Parks Commission conservation officers, area emergency medical services and law enforcement, with their vehicles available to view.
Direct event questions to or 308-778-7708.
Visit Calamus State Recreation Area near Burwell for the annual Pumpkin Carvers Event on Oct. 21 for a day full of family-friendly activities.
Pumpkin carving will take place at the playground from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., the same area that will host a potluck lunch at noon for all who bring a dish to share.
Kids’ games, prizes and downhill pumpkin rolling derby will be at 1 p.m. on the west side of the shower house area. Carved pumpkins will be gathered at 4 p.m. and put on display for all to see. Lights will be provided, and the campground will be closed to vehicle traffic.
Visitors may enjoy carved pumpkins, decorated campsites and trick-or-treating from 5-10 p.m.
Have a spooky time as the Area A Campground at Enders Reservoir State Recreation Area will host Haunted Camping on Oct. 28-29 at the park near Enders.
Participants may enjoy a haunted trail, a camper and campsite decorating contest, games, hayrack rides, a pumpkin carving contest and a costume contest.
Visit Arbor Lodge in Nebraska City on Oct. 28-29 and enjoy a weekend of vintage Halloween-themed frivolity during Living History Weekend.
Help celebrate Halloween history, customs and games throughout the 52-room Arbor Lodge Mansion.
Demonstration hours are 11 a.m.-4 p.m.
For more information, call 402-873-7222. Visit the calendar event entry at to find ticket prices.
Fort Robinson State Park near Crawford will host Haunted Halloween from 4-6:30 p.m. Oct. 28 at Soldier Creek Campground.
There will be a costume contest, pet costume contest, s’mores, trick-or-treating, campsite decorating contest, and a wagon ride through the haunted campground/cemetery.
For more information, call the park at 308-665-2900.
Camp for half-price during Red Willow State Recreation Area’s Camp & Treat event Oct. 27-29 at the park near McCook.
Camping rates will be $10 per night for a pad site and $4 per night for a tent site. Restrooms will be open, and water will be available.
Halloween activities will include:
For more information, see the event listing at