Feb 16, 2023
Campground Electricity Among Chadron State Park Improvements
Campers at Chadron State Park soon will have more power — more electrical power, that is. Later this
The Cowboy Recreation and Nature Trail sections near Neligh and Long Pine have reopened to the public after repairs were made from the 2019 Elkhorn River flood.
Repairs 2 miles west of Neligh included bank stabilization and new trail surfacing. Trail users now can enjoy a closer view of the Elkhorn River in this area. Repairs a mile east of Long Pine included installation of new culverts, rebuilding the embankment, and trail surfacing.
See an interactive map of the trail and closed sections, at OutdoorNebraska.gov/guides-maps/maps/. More information on the trail may be found at OutdoorNebraska.gov.
Beginning in Norfolk and spanning 317 miles west to Chadron, the Cowboy Trail is one of the largest Rails-to-Trails projects in the United States. The trail is developed 187 miles between Norfolk and Valentine, and 15 miles between Gordon and Rushville. The Cowboy Trail is free to access and open to hiking, biking, and equestrian use.