Mar 7, 2025
Enders Reservoir SRA plans prescribed burn for March 9
The park will temporarily close two sections of the park March 8-9 to conduct a prescribed burn.
Lottery applications will be accepted by the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission between Dec. 31-Jan. 13 for a bighorn sheep management hunt. This hunt is intended to balance the current ram-ewe ratio and provide additional hunting opportunity.
Two permits will be issued to Nebraska residents for the March 1-31, 2025, season, which will take place in portions of Scotts Bluff and Banner counties. A pre-hunt orientation is required. Guide service will be provided by Game and Parks.
The need for a management season will be evaluated annually.
A $29 nonrefundable application fee must accompany each application. Only Nebraska residents 12 years and older are eligible. Hunters drawn for the permit would not be able to apply for another bighorn sheep lottery permit again in their lifetime. The permit is not transferable.
The bag limit is one male bighorn sheep that is half curl or less. Half curl is defined as having at least one “unbroomed” horn that does not extend past an imaginary line beginning at the point on the animal’s forehead where the front of the horn base joins the skull and continuing down and in a rear direction through the back edge of the eye. A “broomed” horn is defined as a sheep horn that has been broken, splintered, frayed or rubbed in the wild, thus shortening its length and disrupting its natural taper.
The application period begins at 1 p.m. Central Time Dec. 31. Applications will be taken at Game and Parks district offices or service centers, or by calling 402-471-1985, until 5 p.m. Applications also will be accepted at (search “Bighorn sheep hunt”) through 11:59 p.m. CT Jan. 13.