Mar 10, 2025
Challenge rewarded: Upland Slam grand prizes awarded
Alabama hunter wins grand prize -- a Weatherby Orion 12-gauge shotgun -- in Nebraska Upland Slam.
Hunters and landowners are encouraged to offer their feedback on big game issues during the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission’s public information meetings this winter.
These meetings, which are scheduled in each Game and Parks district, begin at 6:30 p.m. local time and will last 2½ hours.
The first half hour will be an open house with time to talk with wildlife biologists, conservation officers and staff. Biologists will make a presentation at 7 p.m. and discuss big game harvest results and season structure. Then they will take questions on topics such as big game management, depredation, permits, antlerless harvest, trophy management and diseases.
The schedule is:
Dec. 6 – Ord, Trotter Event Center, 127 Trotter Ave.
Dec. 12 – Crete, College Heights Country Club – Lower Room, 1225 East 4th St.
Dec. 14 – Ponca, Ponca State Park, 88090 Spur 26 E
Dec. 18 – Crawford, Crawford Community Center, 1005 1st St.
Dec. 20 – Gering, Wildcat Hills Nature Center, 210615 Highway 71
Jan. 2 – Lincoln, Turpin Outdoor Education Center, 4703 N. 44th St.
Jan. 8 – Holdrege, Cobblestone Inn & Suites, 814 Burlington St.
Jan. 9 – McCook, Red Willow County Fair Building, 1412 W 5th St. McCook
People who cannot attend a meeting can watch an online big game informational session via Zoom at 7 p.m. Central time Dec. 17 or Jan. 4. Visit the calendar event entries at to register for the Zoom meetings.