Feb 18, 2025
Game and Parks to host fly-tying workshops in March
Anglers can learn the basics of fly tying that will prepare them to catch trout and panfish.
Additional rainbow trout have been produced this spring by Nebraska fish hatcheries and will be stocked at select water bodies in the next two weeks.
These trout will be larger than 10 inches and ready to catch as soon as they are stocked.
The locations of stockings likely to take place this week, including quantities, are Halleck Park Pond, Papillion, 1,600; Bowling Lake south pond, Lincoln, 600; and Louisville State Recreation Area No. 1A, Louisville, 800. Fort Kearny SRA No. 6, Kearney, 1,500; and Windmill SRA No. 2, Gibbon, 1,500 likely will be stocked next week.
Resident anglers aged 16 and older are required to have a Nebraska fishing permits. A park entry permit is required at Louisville, Fort Kearny and Windmill SRAs.
The daily bag limit is five rainbow trout per day with no more than one fish per day larger than 16 inches.
For more information on fishing in Nebraska, go to OutdoorNebraska.gov.
Updated May 1, 2023, to include anticipated schedule.