Trout Slam

Nebraska truly is a state where east meets west and north meets south. Our state has a great diversity of geography, climate, habitats, wildlife and fish. As a result, Nebraska anglers are blessed with opportunities to fish for a variety of warm-water, cool-water and cold-water fish including several species of trout.
Although trout may not be native to Nebraska, they can be found in stocked waters across the state during the fall, winter, and spring. Furthermore, Nebraska contains cold-water habitats mostly in northern and western regions of the state that will support trout year-round.
Adventurous anglers can prospect those cold-water rivers, streams, and lakes, many in the most picturesque parts of Nebraska, in pursuit of brook, brown, rainbow and cutthroat trout.
To encourage exploration of Nebraska’s cold-water fisheries and recognize achievement, anglers can now pursue a Nebraska Trout Slam.
The Nebraska Game and Parks Commission is seeking valuable input from trout anglers, particularly those who fish put-and-take lakes. Information from this voluntary survey will be used to inform future trout management and stocking decisions.
How to enter
To achieve a Trout Slam, anglers must catch, photograph, release if wished and submit a photo of the four trout species found in Nebraska — brook, brown, rainbow and cutthroat.
Each time you catch a fish on your way to a Trout Slam, let us know by filling out the form at the link above, and be sure to attach a photo of your catch, too. When you have caught your last fish, check “yes” next to the box indicating that you have completed your slam. Those who complete the slam will receive a certificate and pin.
Trout Slam entry form
Trout Slam finishers
- Justin Bignell, Fremont, NE
- Matthew Poppe, Hastings, NE
- Ainsley Holley, Omaha, NE
- Dallin Holley, Omaha, NE
- John Schramm, Omaha, NE (X2)
- Chris Meston, Bellevue, NE (X2)
- Joshua Schmucker, Omaha, NE
- David Schmucker, Waverly, NE
- Caleb Schmucker, Bellevue, NE
- Grant Johnson, Grand Island, NE
- Nicholas Behring, Wilber, NE
- Jay Langdon, Lincoln, NE (X3)
- Travis Schoenherr, Morse Bluff, NE
- Cathy Seybold, Lincoln, NE
- Mark Chitwood, Elkhorn, NE
- Mikensie Wright-Oakeson, Hastings, NE
- Brett Oakeson, Hastings, NE
- Tim Kniffen, Colorado
- Justin Powell, Scottsbluff, NE
- Mark Chitwood, Elkhorn, NE
- Jacob Nielsen, Washington
- John Schramm, Omaha, NE
- W. Todd Humphrey, Omaha, NE X2
- Terry Livengood, Colorado
- Tim Kniffen, Colorado
- Bill Grenfell, York, NE
- Samuel Bradley, Gering, NE
- Alex Lohrmeyer, Scottsbluff, NE
- Jon Tyler Hansen, Elkhorn, NE
- Justin Powell, Scottsbluff, NE
- Chris Meston, Bellevue, NE X3
- Emil Berecek, Papillion, NE
- Matt Avey, Lincoln, NE
- Eric Einspahr, Lincoln, NE
- Apryl Benedict, Lincoln, NE
- Vance Haug, Chadron, NE
- Jay Langdon, Lincoln, NE X2
- Grant Johnson, Grand Island, NE
- Luke Sittner, Scottsbluff, NE
- Noah Smay, Sidney, NE
- John Wright, Omaha, NE
- Craig Cleveland, Gurley, NE
- Stephen Frederick, Scottsbluff, NE
- Mark Skinner, Ogallala, NE
- Kurt Seevers, Elkhorn, NE
- Nicholas Behring, Wilber, NE
- David Jantz, Beatrice, NE
- Christopher Boutin, Lincoln, NE
- Craig Cleveland, Gurley, NE
- Justin Bignell, Fremont, NE
- Scott Johnson, Chadron, NE
- Chris Nelson, Alliance, NE
- Cathy Seybold, Lincoln, NE
- Chris Meston, Bellevue, NE
- Jacob Nielsen, Washington
- John Schramm, Omaha, NE
- Matthew Long, Lincoln, NE
- Emily Seevers, Elkhorn, NE
- Chris Meston, Bellevue, NE
- Jeremy Sabata, Aurora, NE
- Luke Meduna, Lincoln, NE
- Devan Scroggins, Cassville, MO
- Adam Prier, Fair Grove, MO
- Kendall Carlson, Lincoln, NE
- Kenneth Buchholz, Bonner Springs, MO
- Justin Powell, Scottsbluff, NE
- Walter Nelson, Crawford, NE
- Keri Nelson, Crawford, NE
- Scott Buss, Norfolk, NE
- Nicholas Hinman, Alliance, NE
- Patrick Marshall, Berthoud, CO
- Scott Johnson, Chadron, NE
- Chris Nelson, Alliance, NE
- Joseph Sabata, Aurora, NE
- Jeremy Sabata, Aurora, NE
- Justin Bignell, Fremont, NE
- Cathy Seybold, Lincoln, NE
- Sean Olson, Lincoln, NE
- Grant Johnson, Grand Island, NE
- Ken Curry, Columbus, NE
- Jay Langdon, Lincoln, NE
- Mark vanRoojen, Lincoln, NE
- Matthew Hunefeld, Humphrey, NE
- Chris Meston, Bellevue, NE
- Mike Manning, Lincoln, NE
- Ken Buchholz, Kansas
- Matt Avey, Lincoln, NE
- Eric Einspahr, Lincoln, NE
- Mark Forster, Lincoln, NE
- John Ebert, Belleview, NE
- Justin Powell, Scottsbluff, NE
- Daniel Bauer, Valentine, NE
- Daryl Bauer, Lincoln, NE
- Kellan Mundil, Humphrey, NE
- Tyler Adelman, Kearney, Neb.
- Luke Andrew, Randolph, Neb.
- Matt Avey, Lincoln, Neb.
- Todd Baumann, Chadron, Neb.
- Steve Bockman, Grand Island, Neb.
- Kenneth Buchholz, Bonner Springs, Kansas
- Scott Buss, Norfolk, Neb.
- Casey Campbell, Grand Island, Neb.
- Jesse Campbell, Grand Island, Neb.
- Mark Chitwood, Elkhorn, Neb.
- D. David DeWald, Cheyenne, Wyo.
- Eric Einspahr, Lincoln, Neb.
- Donald Elliott, Fremont, Neb.
- Timothy Engelland, Gering, Neb.
- Roxanne Engelland, Gering, Neb.
- Bryce Gerlach, Chadron, Neb.
- Judd Giese, Omaha, Neb.
- Mike Groenewold, Lincoln, Neb.
- Justin Haag, Chadron, Neb.
- Douglas Haefle, Lincoln, Neb.
- Debbie Hafer, Chadron, Neb.
- Tyrone Herfel, Greely, Colo.
- Scott Johnson, Chadron, Neb.
- Rachel Johnson, Chadron, Neb.
- Scott Johnson, Chadron, Neb.
- Grant Johnson, Grand Island, Neb.
- Nathan Kackmeister, Crawford, Neb.
- Kurt Kinbacher, Chadron, Neb.
- Ryan King, Grand Island, Neb.
- Tony Long, Kearney, Neb.
- Mason Mader, Crawford, Neb.
- Lyla Mader, Crawford, Neb.
- Zach Mader, Crawford, Neb.
- Giovanni Nahorny, Lincoln, Neb.
- Chris Nelson, Alliance, Neb.
- Walter Nelson, Crawford, Neb.
- Travis Ogorman, Alliance, Neb.
- Jacob Patterson, Mitchell, Neb.
- Justin Powell, Alliance, Neb.
- Spencer Powell, McCook, Neb.
- Jeff Prochazka, Elkhorn, Neb.
- Travis Rinehart, Omaha, Neb.
- Dusty Schelbitzki, Hallam, Neb.
- Lori Scherer, Beemer, Neb.
- Jeff Scherer, Beemer, Neb.
- Ronald Schmitz, Whitney, Neb.
- Rodney Schwartz, Lincoln, Neb.
- Warren Sedivy, Alliance, Neb.
- Kurt Seevers, Elkhorn, Neb.
- Emily Seevers, Elkhorn, Neb.
- Jonah Splichal, Mitchell, Neb.
- Jason Splichal, Mitchell, Neb.
- Greg Sprague, Lincoln, Neb.
- Tammy Standage, Alliance, Neb.
- John Vrtiska, Cedar Creek, Neb.
- William Walters, Gering, Neb.
- Cory Willard, Lincoln, Neb.
- Owen Engel, Scottsbluff, Neb.
- Matt Steffl, Chadron, Neb.
- Eric Calkins, Chadron, Neb.
- Phillip Mosher, Gering, Neb.
- Zane Hesting, Chadron, Neb.
- Raymond Lemoine, Mitchell, Neb.
- Cory Willard, Lincoln, Neb.
- Ben Siebler, Fremont, Neb.
- Steve Bockman, Grand Island, Neb.
- Matthew Hunefeld, Omaha, Neb.
- Aldric Meints, Omaha, Neb.
- Chris Meston, Bellevue, Neb.
- Tim Pynes, Denver, Col.
- Cathy Seybold, Lincoln, Neb.
- Robert Messbarger, Kearney, Neb.
- Sandra Reddish, Gering, Neb.
- Jeremy Harvey, Lincoln, Neb.
- Keri Nelson, Crawford, Neb.
- Jaci Renner, Lincoln, Neb.
- Nick Riley, Lincoln, Neb.
- Paul Caldwell, Bennington, Neb.
- Tyler Adelman, Kearney, Neb.
- Ryan King, Grand Island, Neb.
- Zach Mader, Crawford, Neb.
- Lyla Mader, Crawford, Neb.
- Mason Mader, Crawford, Neb.
- Tony Long, Kearney, Neb.
- Dusty Schelbitzki, Hallam, Neb.
- Jeff Prochazka, Elkhorn, Neb.
- Kenneth Buchholz, Bonner Springs, Kan.
- John Vrtiska, Cedar Creek, Neb.
- Jonah Splichal, Mitchell, Neb.
- Jason Splichal, Mitchell, Neb.
- Chris Nelson, Alliance, Neb. (his second Trout Slam)
- Scott Johnson, Chadron, Neb.
- Rachel Johnson, Chadron, Neb.
- Justin Powell, Alliance, Neb.
- Timothy Engelland, Gering, Neb.
- Chris Nelson, Alliance, Neb.
- Roxanne Engelland, Gering, Neb.
- Donald Elliott, Fremont, Neb.
- Lori Scherer, Beemer, Neb.
- Jeff Scherer, Beemer, Neb.
Find trout in Nebraska
Fishing Permits
Purchase stamps, resident and non-resident fishing permits here.