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Cornhusker Trapshoot

Join us for the 55th annual Cornhusker Trapshoot, May 1-3, 2025 in Doniphan, Nebraska!

The annual Cornhusker Trapshoot is a competitive clay target shooting event for high school and junior high students. Hosted by the Nebraska Trapshooting Association and the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission, participants across the nation in grades 6-12 who have completed a hunter education course can compete, with the top high school competitor winning the “Cornhusker Cup” title.

2025 Registration

Coaches can find registration information including instructions and forms in the registration tab below.

To register participants for this event, please follow the instructions below.

1) Pre-squadding begins March 31 at 7 a.m. CT.

All coaches are required to pre-squad their participants. To pre-squad, send an email to the Registration Coordinator, Pam Scholz, at

Emails should include:

  • Number of Junior and Senior squads they expect to bring
  • Number of individuals in addition to full squads (three or fewer)
  • Optional requests: Coaches may request preferences for start times, trap locations and maximum number of squads starting at the same time. However, there are NO guarantees regarding time/location. Individuals will be squadded, as close in location/time, to a coach’s full squad(s) as possible.

Please be accurate when requesting squad reservations. Coaches should coordinate with their participants’ schools to determine if any proms, graduations, or sports events occur on the same dates as the Cornhusker Trapshoot. This information should be included with the pre-squadding email to justify early or late squadding requests. Coaches should notify the Registration Coordinator, as soon as possible, if their pre-squadding numbers change. The earlier pre-squadding is submitted, the greater chance of receiving a preferred time/location.

A preliminary squadding schedule should be available the first week of April.

2) Final Squad entry forms and payment must be received by April 23.

All coaches are required to submit final entries of their participants using the provided forms in the tab below as soon as possible but not later than April 23, 2025. The forms should be filled out and emailed (Excel) or shared (Google Sheets) to

Along with sending final squadding forms, coaches must mail a check or pay online for entry fees for all participants that they have registered. Final squadding dates are absolutely firm. If payment is not received by the deadline, all squads for that team may be moved to the end of the event.

Make checks payable to:
Nebraska Cornhusker Trapshoot

Mail payment to: Pam Scholz

8201 Haley Lynn Ln

Denton, NE 68339

3) Visit the Trapapp website. Once successfully registered and pre-squadded the approved Final Squad locations for each school/4H team will be posted through “Trapapp”. 

2024 awards

54th Cornhusker Cup Winner

Landon Nowak of North Platte, NE

Learn to Shoot

Learn to Shoot

Learn how you can participate in shooting sports in Nebraska.

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Hunter Education

Hunter Education

Successful completion of Hunter Education is required for hunters age 12 through 29.

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Visit a shooting range

Visit a shooting range

Nebraska state parks offer facilities and ranges for those interested in shooting sports or hunting.

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