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Social media policy

Our official social media accounts, including but not limited to Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, are managed by the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission. All NGPC social media accounts are created to provide people who have an interest in Nebraska’s outdoors with access to information about NGPC. These pages are monitored and managed by the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission and its employees.

These pages are not monitored 24/7. The NGPC manages these pages as limited public forums and therefore the following conditions apply. Before posting to or commenting on these accounts, review these terms; keep in mind, a posting on our social constitutes acceptance of these terms.

The “liking,” following, or subscribing to any third party social media account by NGPC or its employees does not indicate an endorsement of that person’s/companies’ actions or comments. Comments posted by others on any NGPC social media account are not to be considered the opinion of the NGPC; nor does NGPC endorse any third party comments on these pages. NGPC welcomes a person’s right to express his/her opinion and encourages posters to keep comments related to content and postings on the social accounts.

NGPC reserves the right to remove:

  • any comments not topically related to the particular content being commented upon;
  • profane language or content;
  • content that promotes, fosters, or perpetuates discrimination on the basis of race, creed, color, age, religion, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, national original, and/or physical or mental disability.
  • content that includes racism, hatred, libel, threats, obscenity, violence, or vulgarity;
  • content that is defaming or threatening in nature toward the agency, staff, volunteers and/or public;
  • sexual content or links to sexual content;
  • solicitations of commerce or advertisements;
  • conduct or encouragement of illegal activity;
  • information that may compromise the safety and security of the public or NGPC systems;
  • has personal information about another person or that violate a person’s privacy;
  • content that violates a copyright, trademark, or other legal ownership of any third party.

NGPC will remove and/or block anyone who violates these terms of use.

Security, Accessibility and Privacy Policies

Security, Accessibility and Privacy Policies

Read our policies regarding security, accessibility and privacy.

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Cookie Policy

Cookie Policy

Read our cookie policy here.

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The Nebraska Game and Parks Commission works to conserve the state's wildlife and natural resources.

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