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CWD Plan

Nebraska's Chronic Wasting Disease Plan is designed to track occurrences of CWD and create strategies that reduce further spread.

Chronic Wasting Disease is a contagious neurological disease affecting deer and elk in Nebraska. In 2000, Nebraska Game and Parks biologists first identified CWD in the wild. There are many challenges associated with this disease, including its detection, spread, means of transmission and effects on deer and elk populations.

The plan

The Nebraska Game and Parks Commission first developed a CWD Management Plan in 2002. Plan goals included developing detection methods that identify CWD occurrence, tracking changes in prevalence and creating strategies that reduce further spread. Since then, goals have been accomplished through surveillance and testing strategies throughout the state. Several plan updates have been made, with the most recent version implemented in 2015. Now, Commission staff are seeking public input for the most recent revisions.

Virtual public meeting

A virtual public meeting was held on July 16 at 7 p.m. CT to discuss the most recent revisions to the CWD Management Plan. A video of the presentation will be posted to our YouTube channel and linked on this web page (coming soon).

Share your feedback

Please submit your comments regarding draft revisions of the 2024 CWD Management Plan by July 24, 2024 (with a final deadline of Aug. 2). We appreciate your valuable feedback.

CWD Public Comments 2024

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