Controlled Shooting Areas
Controlled shooting areas can offer upland hunters a longer hunting season. Areas can be commercial or non-commercial.

A Controlled Shooting Area, also known as a CSA, is a private area that is owned or leased by an individual or group for the purpose of hunting pheasant, quail, chukars, Hungarian partridge and mallards during an extended season. A CSA may be “commercial” or “non-commercial.”
A “commercial” area is open for business to the public. The CSA may charge by the day, by the bird or by the person. The CSA determines its own method of payment and pricing. A “non-commercial” area is for family, friends or co-workers and is not eligible to charge hunters. Commercial CSAs allow hunters to pursue game birds in a more controlled environment. They also provide paid hunting opportunities for the public in Nebraska.
See below for more information on commercial CSAs in Nebraska:
CSA season dates
The CSA season runs Sept. 1 to April 15.
Becoming a licensed CSA
There are a number of restrictions and requirements that must be met in order to become a licensed CSA, including but not limited to:
- Acreage requirements – between 80 and 2,560 acres
- Bird release requirements – minimum of 500 per licensed species
- Reporting and licensing requirements
- Sign posting, etc.
If a person owns the land, they must provide tax statements of proof. If a person will be leasing all or any part of the land, they must provide a lease that gives a full legal description of the area. It must also contain language that specifies the area will be used as a CSA. It must be for a term of at least 5 years. Finally, it must contain signatures of all landowners and lessors, along with the date.
When opening a CSA, there must be acres available in the county where the CSA will be located. Each county is allotted 2 percent of the total acres of the county to be used as a CSA. The area can not be within 1 mile of another commercial CSA.
For an application packet or to ask further questions about hunting CSAs or applying to become a licensed CSA, contact Sharon Waters.
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