Jan 24, 2025
LWCF, RTP grantees approved by commissioners
Grantees for the Land and Water Conservation Fund and Recreational Trails Fund were approved.
While you enjoy the great outdoors floating, take precautions to avoid trespassing. The land beneath Nebraska’s rivers and streams is considered private property. Trespassing onto private land is disrespectful to landowners and can result in a citation.
You may float through private property but exiting your craft or anchoring upon private property requires a landowner’s permission. The exception is that you are able to access private property to portage or transport your canoe, kayak or inner-tube around any fence or obstruction in the river or stream.
Permission also is required when riverbeds are dry, so gain permission before walking or driving in one, even if you entered from a public-use area; property boundaries can be difficult to determine.
Follow all posted signs. Wear a life jacket. Do not litter and take care to not disturb fish and wildlife in and around the river. Fish and wildlife depend on the river ecosystem.